Counsel, Graeme: |
Acknowledgments iv
Chapter 1
Mande music: Perspectives and contexts 1
Introduction 2
Methodologies 10
Sources 16
“World music” and reviews of related research 17
Chapter 2
Mande professional musicians: Griots and griottes 27
The Mande 27
Historical aspects and contexts 30
Social status 38
Musical instruments and performance styles 40
Chapter 3
Griots in colonial West Africa 49
The decline of the Empire of Mali 59
European encounters and colonial expansion 50
Colonial policies and the griots 51
Griots as praise singers 55
Music in the colonial era 60
The child returns home: Cuban music 64
Chapter 4
Music and politics: Guinea’s independence era 69
Introduction 69
The rise of Sekou Touré and the PDG 70
The creation of artistic troupes 75
Griots and party policy 85
Song topics 91
Miriam Makeba 106
Bembeya Jazz National 109
Overview 113
Chapter 5
Forward into the past: The legendary bands of Mali 116
Introduction 116
Cultural policy formation 117
Culture as inheritance – national
competitions and regional troupes 123
The post-Keita era 136
Salif Keita 142
Chapter 6
Negritude and lassitude: Cultural policy
in Senegal and The Gambia 147
Introduction 147
Senghor, Négritude and Senegal’s cultural policy 148
Cultural policy in The Gambia 162
The kora as icon 167
Chapter 7
Currents in contemporary Mande popular music 174
The next wave: Music in the second republics 174
New directions 189
Overview & Conclusion 192
Bibliography 195
Appendix 1: Discography 211
– Introduction 211
– Discography 214
Appendix 2: Glossary 259
Appendix 3: Recordings of griot songs 261
Appendix 4: Discography of the Syliphone label 270
– Introduction 270
– Discography 275
Appendix 5: The geographical origin of Guinean orchestras 281
Appendix 6: Discography of Bembeya Jazz National 284
Appendix 7: Discography of Salif Keita 288