> East Africa (2 or more countries) | Books | Articles |
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Askew, Kelly M.:
As Plato Duly Warned: Music, Politics,
and Social Change in Coastal East Africa.
Anthropology Quarterly (Washington D.C.),
Vol. 76, No. 4, autumn 2003: 609‐637.
Daniels, Douglas Henry:
Taarab Clubs and Swhili Music Culture.
Social Identities (Abingdon), Vol. 2, Issue 3, 1996: 413-438.
Gathigi, George:
Inventing East African Hip-Hop:
Youth and Musical Convergence in East Africa.
in: Falola, Toyin & Tylor Fleming (eds.):
Music, Performance and African Identities.
Abingdon: Routledge, 2012: 35-48.
Graebner, Werner:
Wie wird man Musiker in Ostafrika? Biographien zeitgenössischer Musiker aus Kenya und Tanzania.
Musikalische Werdegänge: Beiträge zu einem Seminar des Arbeitskreises populärer Musik.
[3. ASPM Seminar], Rauischholzhausen, 22.-24. April 1988.
in: Rösing, Helmut (Herg.):
Beiträge zur Populärmusikforschung 5/6.
Hamburg: ASPM, 1988: 49-63.
Graebner, Werner:
The First 35 Years of Commercial Recording in East Africa, 1928-1963.
Processes of institutionalization (some preliminary research findings).
Research Paper. Institute of African Studies, University of Nairobi, 1989. 23 p.
Graebner, Werner:
Tarabu – Populäre Musik am Indischen Ozean.
in: Erlmann, Veit (Herg.): Populäre Musik in Afrika.
Veröffentlichungen des Museum für Völkerkunde.
Neue Folge 53. Abteilung Musikethnologie VIII.
Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1991: 181-200.
Graebner, Werner:
Music, Politics and the Media in East Africa.
in: Hennion, Antoine (dir.):
1789-1989, musique, histoire, démocratie, 3 vol.
Colloque international organisé par Vibrations et l’IASPM, Paris 17-20 juillet 1989.
Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1992: 223-233.
Graebner, Werner:
The Interaction of Swahili Taarab Music and the Record Industry.
A Historical Perspective.
in: Beck, Rose-Marie & Frank Wittmann (eds.):
African Media Cultures – Transdisciplinary Perspectives /
Cultures de médias en Afrique – perspectives transdisciplinaires.
Topics in African Studies, Vol. 2.
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag , 2004: 171-192.
Graebner, Werner:
Wape Vidonge Vyao: Taarab as a Vital Language in Urban East Africa.
in: Probst, Peter & Gerd Spittler (eds.):
Between Resistance and Expansion: Explorations of Local Vitality in Africa.
Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Band 18.
Münster: LIT Verlag, 2004: 247-272.
Graebner, Werner:
Tanzania & Kenya. Taarab: The Swahili Coastal Sound.
in: Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham & Jon Lusk (eds.):
The Rough Guide to World Music. Volume 1: Africa and the Middle East.
London: The Rough Guides, 2006: 408-417.
Harrev, Flemming:
Jambo Records and the Promotion of Popular Music in East Africa.
The Story of Otto Larsen and East African Records Ltd. 1952-1963.
in: Bender, Wolfgang (ed.): Perspectives on African Music.
Bayreuth African Studies Series (Bayreuth), No. 9, 1989: 103-137 (+ 13 photos).
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Kadenge, Joe ‘Hyena’:
A look-in at the East African Music Scene.
Africa Music (London), No. 14, March-April 1983: 4-5.
Khamis, Said A. M.:
Re-defining Taarab in Relation to Local and Global Influences.
in: Beck, Rose Marie; Thomas Geider & Werner Graebner (ed.)
Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 68. Swahili Forum (Köln), Vol. 8, 2001: 145-156.
Khamis, Said A. M.:
Wondering about Change: The Taarab Lyric and Global Openness.
Nordic Journal of African Studies (Helsinki) Vol. 11, No. 2, 2002: 198-205.
Khamis, Said A. M.:
Images of Love in the Swahili Taarab Lyrics: Local Aspects and Global Influence.
Nordic Journal of African Studies (Helsinki) Vol. 13, No.13, 2004: 30-64.
Khamis, Said A. M.:
Clash of Interests and Conceptualisation of Taarab in East Africa.
Swahili Forum (Leipzig), Vol. 12, 2005: 133-159.
Knappert, Jan:
Swahili Tarabu Songs.
Afrika und Übersee (Hamburg), Band 60, Nr. 1, 1977: 116-155.
Kubik, Gerhard:
Neo-Traditional Popular Music in East Africa since 1945.
Popular Music (Cambridge), Vol. 1, 1981: 83-104.
Lambert, H. E.:
The Beni Dance Songs.
Swahili (Dar es Salaam), Vol. 33, No. 1, 1962/1963: 18-21.
Lukalo, Fibian Kavulani:
Outliving Generations. Youth Traversing Borders through Popular Music in Everyday Urban Life in East Africa.
Cultural Studies (Abingdon), Vol. 22, Issue 2, 2008: 254–272.
Martin, Stephen H[arvey]:
Brass Bands and the Beni Phenomenon in Urban East Africa.
African Music (Grahamstown), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1991: 72-81.
Martin, Stephen H[arvey]:
Popular Music in Urban East Africa: From Historical Perspective to a Contemporary Hero.
Black Music Research Journal (Chicago, Ill.), Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 1991: 39-53.
Mlacha, Shaaban A. K.:
Women’s Image in Kiswahili Poetry and Taarab Songs.
in: Mbilinyi, Dorothy A. S. & Cuthbert K. Omari (eds.):
Gender Relations and Women’s Images in the Media.
Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press, 1996: 207-223.
Morin, Matthew M.:
Music, Memory, and Economy: NGO Initiatives of East Africa’s Zilizopendwa Progenitors.
The World of Music, New Series (Berlin), Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014: 63-80.
Mosoti, Edwin:
Taarab or Songs of Abuse? Verbal Duels in East Africa.
Muziki (Pretoria), Journal of Music Research in Africa, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2012: 13-34.
Mwangi, Evan:
Masculinity and Nationalism in East African Hip Hop Music.
Tydskrift Vir Letterkunde (Pretoria), Vol. 41, No. 2, 2004: 5-20.
Mwangi, Evan:
Sex, Music, and the City in a Globalized East Africa.
PMLA (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 122, No. 1, 2007: 321-324.
Ntarangwi, Mwenda:
Taarab as a Swahili Tradition.
Egerton Journal (Nakuru), Vol. 6, No. 3, 2002: 45-56.
Ntarangwi, Mwenda:
Hip-hop, Westernization and Gender in East Africa.
in: Njogu, Kimani & Hervé Maupeu (eds.):
Songs and Politics in Eastern Africa.
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers /
Nairobi: l’Institute francais de recherche en Afrique (IFRA), 2007: 273-302.
Perullo, Alex:
Politics and Popular Song: Youth, Authority, and Popular Music in East Africa.
African Music (Grahamstown), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2011: 87-115.
Perullo, Alex & John Fenn:
Language Ideologies, Choices, and Practices in Eastern African Hip Hop.
in: Berger, Harris, M. & Michael Thomas Carroll (eds.):
Global Pop, Local Language.
Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 2003: 19-51.
Perullo, Alex & Andrew J. Eisenberg:
Musical Property Rights in Tanzania and Kenya after TRIPS.
in: Davis, Matthew & Debora Halbert (eds.):
The Sage Handbook of Intellectual Property.
London & Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2015: 148-164.
Ricard, Alain:
Chapitre 8 Du Taarab au rap.
Le kiswahili, une langue moderne.
Karthala (Paris), 2009: 127-140.
Ricard, Alain:
Le “taarab est comme le concert party…” – Reflexions comparatives.
Stichproben (Wien). Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, Nr. 14, 8. Jahrgang, 2008: 123-136.
Roberts, John Storm:
Songs the Swahili Sing.
Africa Report (Washington, D.C.), September-October 1973: 18 & 20-22.
Rosenberg, Aaron [Louis]:
Making the Case for Popular Songs in East Africa: Samba Mapangala and Shaaban Robert.
Research in African Litteratures (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. 3, 2008: 99-120.
Rosenberg, Aaron Louis:
“Sauti za Uhuru”? Women Singers and Self-Definition on the Coast of East Africa.
Dossier (London), Journal of Women Living Under Muslim Law, Nos. 32-33, 2014: 231-252.
Saleh, Seif Salim:
Historia na muundo wa taarab. [History and Structure of Taarab].
Lugha na Utamaduni (Mombasa), Toleo 1, 1988: 8-11.
Saleh, Seif Salim:
Historia na muundo wa taarab (Sehemu ya pili). [History and Structure of Taarab (Second Part)].
Lugha na Utamaduni (Mombasa), Toleo 2, 1988: 9-11 & 24.
Seago, Alex:
East African Popular Music.
African Music (Grahamstown), Vol. Vol. 6, No. 4, 1987: 176-177.
Tracey, Hugh:
Recording Tour, May to November 1950 East Africa.
African Music Society Newsletter (Johannesburg), Vol. 1, No. 4, June 1951: 38-51.
Traore, Flavia Aiello:
Taarab and Swahili Prose.
Swahili Forum (Leipzig), Vol. 8, 2001: 123-128.
van der Biesen, Ivan & Christiaan de Beukelaer:
Tourism and Imagining Musical Traditions on the East African Coast: Harmony and Disharmony.
The World of Music, New Series (Berlin), Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014: 133-154.
Vernon, Paul:
Feast of East. Delvings into the History of World Music Recording Touches Down in East Africa.
Folk Roots (London), No. 145 (Vol. 17, No. 1), July 1995: 26-27 & 29.
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