Zindi, Fred: |
Acknowledgements vi
Preface vii
Introduction viii
1. The Roots of Zimbabwean Music 1
2. Influences on Zimbabwean Music and Musicians 11
3. Some Popular Musicians in Zimbabwe
Thomas Mapfumo 23
Jonah Sithole 38
Oliver Mtukudzi 40
The Real Sounds 45
The O.K. Success 48
Susan Mapfumo 50
The Broadway Quartet’s Andrew Chakanyuka 51
Lovemore Majaivana 52
Devera Ngwena Jazz Band 55
Zexie Manatsa 57
The Harare Mambo Band 57
Nyami Nyami Sounds 58
Safirio Madzikatire 59
David Scobie 60
Alton Edwards 61
4. Musicians, Record Companies and the Media 62
5. Music Places 76
6. Looking into the Future 82
Reference Section 89
Zimbabwe’s National Anthem 98