Varley, Douglas H.: |
I Native Music in Africa Generally 19
II Native Musical Instruments in Africa Generally 24
III Native Music and Musical Instruments in Africa:
Specific Countries
1 Somaliland 27
2 Abyssinia 28
3 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 29
4 Oubangui-Chari – Tchad 31
5 West Africa 32
6 French Sudan & Niger Colony 33
7 Portuguese Guinea & Liberia 35
8 Senegal 36
9 French Guinea, Upper Volta & Ivory Coast 37
10 Togo 39
11 Dahomey 40
12 Sierra Leone 41
13 Gold Coast & Ashanti 42
14 Nigeria 44
15 Cameroons 47
16 Gabon & Middle Congo 49
17 Fernando Po & Rio Muni 51
18 Belgian Congo 51
19 Ruanda – Urundi 58
20 Uganda 59
21 Kenya 61
22 Tanganyika 63
23 Nyasaland 66
24 Zanzibar 67
25 Portuguese East Africa 68
26 Angola 69
27 South West Africa 71
28 Rhodesia, North & South 73
29 Union of South Africa, including Protectorates:
a South Africa generally 75
b Bushmen & Hottentots 77
c Zulu – Xhosa 81
d Shoto – Chuana 83
30 Madagascar 85
IV African Survivals in the New World
1 Negro Music in the United States 86
2 Negro Music in the West Indies:
a Jamaica 90
b Cuba 91
c Other islands 91
3 Negro Music in South America:
a Bush Negroes 93
b Latin American States 94
V African Music and the Church 95
VI Drum Language 96
VII Collection of Material and
Phonograph Recordings 101
VIII Classification and Arrangement of Material 104
IX List of Museums Containing Instruments 105
X Bibliografies 107
XI Author Index 108