Saibou, Marceline: |
List of Figures iii
Acknowledgments v
Dedication ix
Introduction 1
1. Togo’s Most Promising Youth 1
2. Dreams from the Diaspora 2
3. Togo – The Invisible Country 4
4. Musical Landscape in Lomé 9
5. Absence as an Object of Inquiry 10
6. Chapter Overview 12
7. A Few Words on Methodology 17
I. “African Popular Music” – Between Discourse and Practice 19
1. Introduction 19
2. Constructing Difference – Africa, Music, and the Other 23
3. Reaffirming Difference – Hybridity and Tropes of Otherness 36
4. Continuity and Change – Africa, Modernity and the Study of Popular Music 42
5. Conclusions 54
II. Creativity between Terror and Spectacle 58
1. Introduction 58
2. Peri-Independence Popular and Political Culture 62
3. Cultural Policies – From Nationalism to State Spectacle 71
4. Animation Politique 81
5. Authenticité in Practice: Songs and Slogans 86
6. Between Patronage and Paternalism 95
7. Conclusions 102
III. Musical Style – Belonging and Detachment 110
1. Introduction 110
2. The 1980s – Domination and Neglect 113
3. Imagined Belonging – Longing and Alienation 119
4. Avoiding the Nation – Compliance and Defiance 129
5. Conclusions 139
IV. Popular Music, Crisis, and the End of a Regime 143
1. Introduction 143
2. The 1990s – Dissolution and Reconfiguration 145
3. Kamou – Claiming the Global through the Local 151
4. “Amateurism” – A Twofold Struggle 166
5. Conclusions: A State of Exclusion 186
Conclusions 190
Bibliography 199