junghard 2013
Junghard, Rosemarie: |
Foreword 1
Introduction 5
1.0 Methods of research 9
1.1 The history of biographical research 9
1.2 Methods of author’s biographical research 28
1.3 Encounters with the interviewees 37
1.4 The analysis 38
2.0 Province of Katanga, formerly Shaba, is now
called Katanga again 39
2.1 Political changes in the Congo; changes in the province
of Katanga 39
2.2 Historical background of Elisabethville, now Lubumbashi 43
2.3 The mining workers (salaried employment) (aka kazi) 49
2.4 Christianity, other cults and sects 49
2.5 Tourist sites in Katanga 51
2.6 The M’siris (aka Mushedi), predecessors of Mwenda Jean
Bosco (aka Mwenda wa Bayeke) 52
2.6.1 The background and history of the M’siris 52
2.6.2 M’siri’s wives 55
2.6.3 The Bayeke Culture 55
2.6.4 Different Social Classes of the Bayeke 55
2.6.5 Religion 56
2.6.6 ANATC (Alliance of the Traditional Authorities of Congo) 57
2.6.7 Bunkeya 57
3.0 Mwenda Jean Bosco (aka Mwenda wa Bayeke) a
Bayeke descendent 62
3.1 Bosco’s grand-parents and how they met, version by
S. Mwenda 62
3.2 Bosco’s childhood and youth 63
3.2.1 Bosco’s mother, Giséle Kulanga 63
3.2.2 Bosco’s education75
3.2.3 Anecdotes 75
3.2.4 Adolescence 75
3.2.5 Adulthood 78
3.2.6 Bosco’s wedding 78
3.2.7 Le Pré-dot 82
3.2.8 Bosco as entrepreneur 84
3.2.9 Bosco’s wife, Stéphanie 93
3.3 Bosco’s children 94
3.3.1 Other family members 109
3.3.2 Bosco’s youngest brother, Stéphane Mwenda 109
3.3.3 Kalasa, Manyka Polycarpe, Bosco’s cousin 110
3.3.4 Bosco’s second cousin, Adelin Kashoba Mwenda M’siri 111
3.3.5 Bosco’s nephew, the present M’siri, Mwami Godefroid
Munongo, Jr. Masuka 112
3.3.6 Eric Kazembe Munongo, M’siri’s brother and Bosco’s
nephew 113
3.3.7 Arthur Jano Bakasonda – his wife is Bosco’s distant
cousin 116
3.3.8 Different people Bosco worked with or who knew him
Marc-Jonathan Kiabuta Katonte 117
3.3.9 Mumba Mufompo Bonfanie, Benjamin, Chef de Bureau
de culture and arts 118
3.4 Chevalier Paty Kantenga Kitoko 118
3.5 Felicien Majambe, journalist at RTNC 118
3.6 Zephiren Kamba, technician at RTNC 119
3.7 Norbert Mulundu Wibyala, journalist at Radio Panos 119
4.0 Bosco’s tragic accident and death 120
4.1 Church service and burial 124
4.1.1 The lusanzo 126
4.1.2 Funeral rites129
4.2 Inheritance and Insurance Problems 132
5.0 The music currents of Katanga, due to
cultural exchange 138
5.1 L’Ecole Katangaise 138
5.2 Swahili de Lushois 140
5.3 Historical sequence of Katangan music 141
5.4 Recording in Katanga 148
5.5 Creativity of music and art in Katanga today 151
5.6 The Congolese guitar-style 162
5.7 Congolese guitarists of yesteryear and today 166
6.0 Bosco’s Music 168
6.1 Bosco’s guitar 168
6.2 The beginning of Bosco’s interest in music 170
6.3 The influence of Bosco’s music; who influenced whom? 171
6.4 The influence of Katangan guitar music in other African
countries 174
6.5 Bosco’s “discovery”; a version told by Stéphane Mwenda 175
6.6 Bosco’s “discovery”, as told by Hugh Tracey 177
6.7 Hugh Tracey’s recordings 185
6.8 Bosco’s special style of composing and playing the guitar 186
6.9 David Rycroft’s improvisations and assessments of Bosco’s
music 190
7.0 The topics and lyrics in his songs 191
7.1 The language 191
7.2 Bosco’s songs 193
7.3 Critique of Bosco’s music 233
7.4 The History of Bosco-Band, later L’Orchestre Super Shaba 235
7.4.1 Interview with Léonard Kadiati and Joe Le Bass 235
7.4.2 Interview with N’guza Ndaye Kazaji (son of bandleader) 239
7.5 JECOKE (Jeune Comique de la Kenya) 244
7.5.1 Edouard Masengo 244
7.5.2 Bosco and Spéctacle Populaire 253
7.5.3 The actor Mufwankolo 253
7.5.4 The late Ernest Wazenga Linga (aka Kachelewa) 257
7.6 Bosco’s music career 258
7.7 Bosco’s connection with President Mobutu 272
7.8 Clothing 274
8.0 Bosco’s music lives on 277
8.1 Bosco’s son, Didier Kabobo Mwenda, continues his
father’s legacy 277
8.2 Dominic Kakolobango and “African Acoustic” 281
Conclusion 284
[Bibliography 289
Dictionaries 305
VHSs & CDs 306
Internet Addresses 310
Discography 311]