Gunderson, Frank & Gregory Barz (eds.): |
Map of East Africa viii
Contributors ix
Terence Ranger
Foreword 1
Part 1: Introduction
1. Frank Gunderson
“Kifungua Kinywa” or Opening the Contest with Chai 7
Part 2: Significant Rivals and Scandals
2. Kelly M. Askew
Following in the Tracks of Beni: The Diffusion of the Tanga Taarab Tradition 21
3. Janet Topp Fargion
“Hot Kabisa!” The Mpasho Phenomenon and Taarab in Zanzibar 39
4. Mwenda Ntarangwi
Malumbano or Matukano: Competition, Confrontation, and (De)
Construction of Masculinity in the Taarab of Maulidi and Bhalo 55
5. Siri Lange
Muungano and TOT: Rivals on the Urban Cultural Scene 67
6. Joseph L. Mbele
Gindu Nkima: A Sukuma Heroine 87
Part 3: Rites of Passage
7. Peter Pels
Kizungu Rhythms: Luguru Christianity as Ngoma 101
8. Laura Fair
Identity, Difference, and Dance:
Female Initiation in Zanzibar, 1890 to 1930 143
Part 4: Community and Identity
9. E. Kezilahabi
Ngoma Competitions in Traditional Bakerebe Society 175
10. James Ellison
Competitive Dance and Social Identity:
Converging Histories in Southwest Tanzania 199
11. Frowin Paul Nyoni
The Social Significance of Mganda-wa-Kinkachi Dance
Contests Among the Matengo 233
12. Elise Johansen
Makonde Mask Dance: Performing Identity 255
13. Peter Cooke & Okaka Opio Dokotum
Ngoma Competitions in Northern Uganda 271
14. Peter Jan Haas & Thomas Gesthuizen
Ndani ya Bongo: KiSwahili Rap Keeping it Real 279
15. Werner Graebner
Ngoma ya Ukae: Competition Social Structure in Tanzanian
Dance Music Songs 295
Part 5: Historical Imaginings
16. Lisa Gilman
Putting Colonialism into Perspective: Cultural History and
the Case of Malipenga Ngoma in Malawi 319
17. Rebecca Gearhart
Rama Maulidi: A Competitive Ritual Ngoma in Lamu 347
18. Stephen Hill
Mchezo Umelala [“The Dance has Slept”]: Competition,
Modernity, and Economics in Umatengo, Tanzania 367
19. Gregory F. Barz
Politics of Remembering: Performing History(-ies) in Youth
Kwaya Competitions in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 379
20. Frank Gunderson
Witchcraft, Witcraft and Musical Warfare: The Rise of the Bagiika-
Bagaalu Music Competitions in Sukumaland, Tanzania 407
Part 6: Epilogue
21. Gregory F. Barz
Tamati: Music Competition and Community Formation 421
Works Cited 429
Index 447