Pratt, Andy, C.: |
Summary of the policy recommendations 4
Contents 9
The cultural industries, music and development t11
The cultural industries 11
Music and the cultural industries 13
Music as a tool of development 14
Consumption 14
Multiple objectives 15
Music as an international industry 15
The music industry 15
Internationalisation and ‘world music’ 17
Senegal 20
Geography and situation 20
Music in Senegal 20
The music production system 23
MPS: The concept 23
Content Origination 23
Production 24
Reproduction (distribution) 24
Consumption 27
Music ‘policy’ 30
Collecting Societies and IPR/regulatory environment 30
Public support of musical projects 31
Assessment of the Challenges and Opportunities facing the music industry in Senegal, and policy
Recommendations 33
Opportunities 33
Challenges 33
Policy recommendations 34
Content origination 34
Production 36
Distribution 37
Consumption 38
Policy and regulation 40
Appendix 1: Data Issues 42
Concepts 42
Taxonomies 42
Recommendations 43
Methodology 45
Method of working 45
References 46