1 Executive Summary 11
1.1 Introduction 11
1.2 Country Profile 11
1.3 The Creative Industries in Ghana 11
1.4 Music Sector Overview 12
1.5 Market Characteristics 12
1.6 Regional and Local Sector Dynamics 13
1.7 Regulatory Framework 13
1.8 Economic Value Analysis 13
1.9 Social Contribution 15
1.10 Industry Infrastructure 16
1.11 International Dynamics 17
1.12 Linkage with other Sectors 17
1.13 SWOT Analysis 17
1.14 Recommendations 18
1.15 Conclusion 19
2 Introduction 20
2.1 Project Background 20
2.2 Objectives 20
2.3 Scope of Work 20
2.4 Justification 21
2.5 Methodology 22
2.5.1 Sources of Data 22
2.5.2 Sampling Techniques 24
2.6 Limitations 24
2.7 Conclusion 24
3 Country Profile 26
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Political Environment 26
3.3 Economic Environment 27
3.4 Social Dynamics 29
3.5 Technological Factors 31
3.6 Country Outlook 31
3.7 Conclusion 32
4 The Creative Industry in Ghana 33
4.1 Overview 33
4.2 Characteristics of the Creative Industry in Ghana 34
4.2.1 Overview 34
4.3 Conclusion 36
5 Music Sector Overview 37
5.1 Historical Perspective 37
5.1.1 Overview 37
5.1.2 Music Genres 37
5.2 Industry Oversight 42
5.3 Professional Organizations 45
5.3.1 Creators Associations 45
5.3.2 Producers Associations 46
5.3.3 Collective Management Organization (CMO) 47
5.4 Current State of the Sector – Challenges and Opportunities 48
5.5 Porter‘s Five Forces Model 48
5.6 Conclusion 49
6 Market Characteristics 51
6.1 Overview of Music Value Chain 51
6.1.1 Typical Music Value Chain around the World 51
6.1.2 Music Value Chain in Ghana 52
6.2 Volume of production by Type 75
6.3 Conclusion 78
7 Regional and Local Sector Dynamics 79
7.1 Regional Features of the Sector 79
7.2 Conclusion 93
8 Regulatory Framework 94
8.1 Review of Regulations 94
8.2 Review of Policy Documents 97
9 Economic Value Analysis 101
9.1 Introduction 101
9.2 Employment Characteristics 101
9.2.1 Size of the Sector 101
9.2.2 Characteristics of Employment 103
9.3 Value of Sector (Revenue Sources and Estimation) 124
9.3.1 Framework for Analysis 124
9.3.2 Domestic Revenue Estimation 126
9.4 Contribution to GDP 131
9.4.1 Summary of GDP 131
10 Social Characteristics & Contribution 132
10.1 Social characteristics of the sector 132
10.1.1 Creators 132
10.1.2 Business Category 133
10.2 Overview 141
10.3 Sociological aspects of music 141
10.4 Benefits of music 141
10.5 Social groups and events 142
10.5.1 Social circles in Ghana 142
10.5.2 Choral groups 142
10.5.3 Traditional/folkloric bands 145
10.5.4 Public bands 148
11 Industry Infrastructure 150
11.1 Introduction 150
11.2 Training Institutions 150
11.2.1 Educational Institutions 150
11.2.2 Capacity Building Institutions 153
11.3 Manufacturers 155
11.3.1 Local Instrument Manufacturers 155
11.3.2 Audio/Visuals 158
11.4 Digital Music Downloads 159
11.5 Event organisers and Venues 160
11.5.1 Data analysis – Event organisers 162
11.5.2 Data analysis – Venue operators 163
12 International Dynamics 166
12.1 Ghanaian music abroad 166
12.1.1 Live performances 166
12.1.2 International awards 166
12.1.3 Operational base of music distributors 167
12.2 Exposure of tourists to Ghanaian music 167
12.3 Volume of Exports 170
13 Linkage with other Sectors 172
13.1 Music as a subject – Musicology 172
13.2 Music as an art – Applied Musicology 172
13.2.1 Film 173
13.2.2 Theatre art 173
13.2.3 Fashion 174
13.2.4 Medicine & therapy 175
14 SWOT Analyses 177
14.1 Introduction 177
14.2 Strengths 178
14.3 Weaknesses 178
14.4 Opportunities 184
14.5 Threats 184
14.6 Conclusion 185
15 Recommendations 186
15.1 Observations and Recommendations 186
16 Conclusion 191
16.1 Objectives 191
16.2 Methodology 191
16.3 Findings 191
16.4 Observations and Recommendations 192
17 Appendices 193
17.1 Appendix A – Details of Educational Institutions 193
17.2 Appendix B – Questionnaires administered for the survey 198
17.3 Appendix C – Names of some sensational Ghanaian music professionals,
music archives and the impact of colonialism 274
17.4 Appendix D – Ghanaian population according to age groups and regions 276
17.5 Appendix E – Categories and sub-categories of the Music Industry 278
17.6 Committee Members 288
17.6.1 Oversight Committee Members 288
17.6.2 Technical Committee Members 288
18 Bibliography 290