Stasik, Michael: |
List of photos xii
List of maps xii
Abbreviations xiii
Acknowledgements xiv
1 Introduction 1
Readjusting perspectives 3
Chapter synopsis 4
Part I
The music/society nexus – some introductory reflections and observations
2 Introducing the City and Its Sounds 9
Freetown sounds 9
Musical minds 17
3 Music and Society – A Preliminary Theoretical Outline 20
A brief phenomenology of music 20
Musicking 22
Music/dance 25
4 Revisiting Methods of Socio-Sonic Inquiry 32
(Re-)inquiring Africa’s socio-sonic fields 32
Networks and methods of inquiry in Freetown’s socio-sonic fields 37
Part II
From Class to Mass – Freetown’s Music and Society in Historical Perspective
5 Introduction 45
6 Early Developments – The 19th Century 49
First sounds and settlers 49
Cultural amalgamations and socio-musical stratifications 53
7 Socio-Musical Approximations – 1900s to 1930s 58
Harmonizing sounds 58
Urban reactions 59
8 The Heydays of Local Popular Music – 1940s to 1970s 64
Stars, recordings, and technological “democratizations” (1940s and 1950s) 64
The generation of 1961 and the non-politics of pop music (1960s) 67
Principles of antinomy: The politics of decline and the golden years of popular music (1970s) 72
9 Popular Music in the Time of Decay – the 1980S and 1990s 77
Economic breakdown, technological advancements, and world music (1980s) 77
War (and) revival (1990s) 80
Erratic politics and a defiant music industry 84
The AFRC coup’s contradictive effects 86
Too stubborn to surrender 88
10 Post-War Boom and Post-Election Decline 95
A new beginning 95
Spirit of renewal 96
Radio, recordings, and re-recordings 97
Musicalizing protest, politicizing music 100
The late “naughties” 103
11 Conclusion – Beyond the Ephemerality of Style 108
Part III
Disconnections – Social Dynamics in the Spaces of Music
12 Introduction 115
13 (Night)Life at the Edge of Chaos 120
Dance floor complexities 120
Wayward audiences 122
14 The Seasonality of Music 126
Rains, heats and breezes 126
Seasons of dearth, seasons of plenty 128
Feasts and fastings 129
Season of migration to the clubs 132
15 Building, Binding and Dividing 136
Music’s building material 136
A short typology of music events 138
The private, the social, and the public 140
Music’s binding material 144
16 A Topography of Freetown’s Social Imaginary 150
Geographies of dreams 150
Moving to the west 151
A music venue census 154
At the crossroads 159
A car park’s indices 164
Subverting boundaries 166
17 The Politics of Price, Prestige and Consumption 171
Playgrounds for exposure 171
The affluent poor 173
You pay, you pass 177
Bottled prestige 180
Refilling the bottles 185
18 The King and his Followers 188
Extravaganza 188
The show 192
Ritual in the making 196
What a difference a day makes 198
19 Conclusion – Dis/Connections 203
Part IV
Topia of Utopias
20 Dreams vs Reality 211
From the school of hard knocks 211
Falling in love 213
Topia of utopias 220
A thick layer of dreams 225
References 229