Edmonds, E. Obeng-Amoako: |
Aknowledgements xi
Foreword xix
From The Author xxi
Chapter 1
A Dream from a distance 1
Chapter 2
Water for roots 21
Chapter 3
All In a name 43
Chapter 4
Sound, song and rhythm 63
Chapter 5
Louder than words 89
Chapter 6
Onyina 111
Chapter 7
Tete Wo Bi Ka, Tete Wo Bi Kyere 129
Chapter 8
Pieces of a world in scales 153
Chapter 9
Why we sing 169
Chapter 10
The sun sets away from home 199
Chapter 22
On the shoulders of legends 217
Chapter 12
Akora Dua Kube 241
Cliapter 13
A charge to keep 261
Chapter 24
How far the sound travels 275
Index 313