Perullo, Alex: |
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xxi
Note on Names and Interviews xxv
Video Clips on the Ethnomusicology Multimedia Website xxvii
1 Kumekucha (it is Daylight / Times Have Changed) 1
2 Shall We Mdundiko or Tango? Tanzania’s Music Economy, 1920-1984 37
3 Live in Bongoland 84
4 The Submerged Body 143
5 Radio Revolution 188
6 Analog, Digital… Knobs, Buttons 239
7 Legend of the Pirates 283
8 Everything Is Life 341
Appendix A. Descriptions of Tanzanian Genres of Music 363
Appendix B. List of Tanzanian Radio and Television Stations 369
Appendix C. Clubs with Live Shows in Dar es Salaam 373
Appendix D. List of Tanzanian Promoters Organized by City 379
Notes 389
References 407
Discography 429
Index 439