Olwage, Grant (ed.): |
Acknowledgements vi
Grant Olwage
Introduction 1
Chapter 1
Christine Lucia
Back to the Future? Idioms of ‘displaced time’ in South
African composition 11
Chapter 2
Grant Olwage
Apartheid’s Musical Signs: Reflections on black choralism,
modernity and race-ethnicity in the segregation era 35
Chapter 3
Christopher Cockburn
Discomposing Apartheid’s Story: Who owns Handel? 55
Chapter 4
Lara Allen
Kwela’s White Audiences: The politics of pleasure and identification in the early apartheid period 79
Chapter 5
Gary Baines
Popular Music and Negotiating Whiteness in Apartheid
South Africa 99
Chapter 6
Michael Drewett
Packaging Desires:
Album covers and the presentation of apartheid 115
Chapter 7
Carol A. Muller
Musical Echoes: Composing a past in/for South African jazz 137
Chapter 8
Shirli Gilbert
Singing Against Apartheid: ANC cultural groups and the international anti-apartheid struggle 155
Chapter 9
David Coplan and Bennetta Jules-Rosette
‘Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika’: Stories of an African anthem 185
Chapter 10
Martin Scherzinger
Whose ‘White Man Sleeps’ Aesthetics? and politics in the
early work of Kevin Volans 209
Chapter 11
Brett Pyper
State of Contention: Recomposing apartheid at Pretoria’s
State Theatre, 1990-1994. A personal recollection 239
Chapter 12
Ingrid Byerly
Decomposing Apartheid: Things come together 257
Chapter 13
Stephanus Muller
Arnold van Wyk’s Hands 283
Contributors 301
Index 305