Nunley, John W.: |
List of Illustrations xi
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xxiii
1. The Great Experiment 3
Freetown in the Early Years 3
A Culture Transplanted 14
Traditional Medicine 21
The Egungun Society 24
Ogun and the Hunting Societies 27
The Emergence of a New Society 31
A New Identity 36
2. Freetown 38
Before World War II 44
The War Years 50
Since World War II 53
3. Ode-lay Organization 61
Offices 62
Medicine 68
4. The Ode-lay Societies 75
Firestone 77
Paddle 81
Bloody Mary 86
Civilian Rule 89
Rainbow 96
5. Ode-lay Aesthetics 103
The Fancy Aesthetic 103
The Fierce Aesthetic 120
The Fancy/Fierce Opposition 131
The Masquerades 132
6. The Ode-lay Artist 139
The Artistic Personality 139
The Artists 141
Mustapha Kargbo 141
Ajani 145
John Goba 149
Edmund Coker and Abdul Karim Silla 153
Prospective for Ode-lay Art 158
7. Music of the Freetown Societies 160
Lantern Music 161
Mailo jazz 164
Songs, Traditional and Modern 167
Reggae 173
8. A Theory of Art and Performance 176
Two Successful Performances 177
An Unsuccessful Performance 182
A Theory of Performance 184
9. Conflict as a Factor of Society Life 193
Intragroup Conflict 193
Intergroup Conflict 197
10. The Politicization of Urban Secret Societies 203
The Traditional Societies and Politics 203
The Ode-lay Societies and Politics 207
11. Unity and Control 216
The Permit Issue 217
The Bid for Unity 217
Reactions to Permit Suppression 220
Control of Devil Processions 223
12. Tea Kettles and the Cooling Effects of Art 228
Appendix 1
Freetown Masking Societies in 1978 by Ward 235
Appendix 2
Permission for Masked Devil Procession 239
Appendix 3
Police Public Notice-Masked Devils 241
Appendix 4
Minutes of Meeting between Paddle, Firestone, and Bloody Mary Societies 242
Notes 245
Glossary 256
Bibliography 261
Index 269