Muller Carol A[nn]: |
List of Musical Examples on Compact Disc ix
Series Foreword – Michael B. Bakan xi
Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xxxiii
Map of South Africa xxxviii
Chapter One
South African Music: A Century of Traditions in Transformation 1
Chapter Two
Graceland: A Contested Musical Collaboration 37
Chapter Three
Cape Town Jazz 60
Chapter Four
Music and Migrancy 118
Chapter Five
The Hymns of the Nazaretha 184
Chapter Six
Final Reflections 238
Appendix One
A Guide to African Music: A Music of Encounters 247
Appendix Two
Key Dates in South African History 253
Appendix Three
Selected Websites: South Africa and Its Music 259
Appendix Four
Themes Common to the Study of African Music:
1980s to Present 261
Appendix Five
Discussion of Musical Examples on Compact Disc 265
Glossary 277
References 283