Low, John: |
Arrival 7
Sunday 26th August 1979 7
Jean Bosco Mwenda 13
Monday 27th August 13
Tuesday 28th August 28
Friday 31st August 33
Thursday 6th September 41
Losta Abelo 51
Sunday 9th September 51
Monday 10th September 57
Tuesday 11th September 63
Wednesday 12th September 67
Likasi (Jadotville) 75
Thursday 13th September 75
Friday 14th September 77
Saturday 15th September 83
Television, Edouard Masengo and Departure 89
Sunday 23rd September 89
Monday 24th Septembe 92
Tuesday 25th September 101
Appendix A 103
The Origin of Non-Tribal Katangan Guitar Styles 103
1. The traditional Music of Katanga 103
2. Church Music 105
3. Katangan semi-tribal guitar styles 106
4. The impact of foreign popular music on Katanga guitar styles 108
a) Cuban and other Latin American music 108
b) South African ‘Kweia’ or ‘Twist’ music 109
c) Afro-American (U.S.A.) guitar styles 109
d) European popular music 111
Conclusion 111
Appendix B 114
Guitar tablature, musical notation and terminology 114
1. Guitar tablature 114
2. Musical notation 115
a) Method of transcription 116
b) Staffs 116
c) Key 116
d) Time signature: Cycle Numbers 117
3. Terminology 118
a) Musical 118
b) Guitar finger-styles 118
c) Shaba/Katanga 118
Appendix C 119
Some research problems 119
1) Lack of musicological training 119
2) Gaps in research 119
3) Problems of transcription 119
4) The problem of musicians not being able or willing to state
their sources of inspiration 120
Appendix D 121
The urgency for further research into Shaban (Katangan) finger-styles 121
Bibliography 124
Discography 125