Groves, Ryan Dale: |
List of Figures xi
Introduction 1
How We Understand African Music 5
Disciplinary Examinations of African Music 13
Theoretical Problems of African Music 21
Where Does This Study Fit In? 34
Chapter 1
Setting the Stage 39
South-Central African History, c 1800-1890 42
Don’t Tell Them Jesus Loves Them 51
Bibles and Bazookas: Capitalizing on Christianity 60
The Man in the Long Black Coat 65
A House Done Built Without Hands 82
Chapter 2
The Changing Nature of African Music 101
Indigenous Music on the Eve of Colonization 102
Western Music Enters the Fray 108
Orpheus McAdoo and the Irony of Minstrality 112
Musical Values in African Christianity 117
The Storm without the Music: Musical Ethics in
Southern Rhodesia 125
African Hymnody: A Case Study in Cultural Imperialism 129
Night Singing and Rising Cultural Protest 143
Chapter 3
African Popular Music Enters the City 155
Expressions of Indigenous Culture in Early Salisbury 162
Increased State Control over African Cultural Production
and Consumption 170
Township Jazz in All its Iterations 178
Masiganda: Singer-Songwriters in Africa 185
The Commodification of African Music 202
Chapter 4
New Ethics through Music 210
Black, Brown, and Beige: A Portrait of the African Middle Class 219
Education and African Culture 223
Reactions by the African Middle Class 231
Conclusion 234
Bibliography 240