Gray, John: |
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction ix
1. Cultural History and the Arts 1
2. Ethnomusicology 19
3. African Traditional Music 27
General Works 27
Country and Regional Studies 61
West Africa 61
Central Africa 141
Southern Africa 173
East Africa 207
4. African Popular Music 241
General Works 241
Country and Regional Studies 249
West Africa 249
Central Africa 265
Southern Africa 271
East Africa 285
Individual Musicians 289
5. African Art Music 377
General Works 377
Individual Composers and Instrumentalists 379
6. African Church Music 387
Appendix I Reference Works 391
Appendix II Archives and Research Centers 407
Appendix III Selected Discography 423
Ethnic Group Index 435
Subject Index 441
Artist Index 451
Author Index 459