Fargion, Janet Topp: |
List of Figures and Tables vii
Acknowledgements ix
Technical Note xi
Part I
1 Approaches and People 3
2 Meanings and Boundaries 17
Part II
Entangled Histories and Parallel Strands
3 Orchestral Taarab: ‘Old is Gold’ 37
Section 1: Historical Narratives 37
Section 2: Stylistic Influences 70
4 Kidumbak 93
5 Women’s Taarab 113
Part III
Flying Spirits: What Women Really Really Want
6 Women as Drivers of Change 143
Part IV
7 The Professionalisation of the Taarab Music Complex 175
8 Women at the Centre of a Music Complex 201
List of Consultants 207
Bibliography 211
Index 229