Kerr, David: |
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Chapter 1
Introduction 1
Research Questions
Hip Hop 3
Youth, Masculinities and Urban Space 5
The Global Circulation of Signs 7
Methodology 8
Conclusion 16
Chapter 2
Dar es Salaam – An Introduction
Introduction 18
History of Dar es Salaam 19
Informal Settlements – Uswahilini 22
Labour 30
Young Men in the City 36
Conclusion 37
Chapter 3
Introduction to Popular Music, Hip Hop and
Rapped Music in Dar es Salaam
Introduction 39
Tanzanian Popular Music 39
Hip Hop 46
Hip Hop in Africa 51
Tanzanian Rapped Music 55
Conclusion 65
Chapter 4
Studios, Radio Stations and Distributors
Introduction 67
Wasambazaji – Distributors 69
Radio 72
Radio Presenters – DJ’s 79
Studios 81
Negotiating the Production of Rapped Music 93
Conclusion 97
Chapter 5
Underground Rapping
Introduction 100
Defining Underground 101
Who are the Youth? 104
Underground Rapping in Dar es Salaam 106
Maskani – Spaces of Sociality and Recognition 111
Kampu – Performance and the Politics of Presence 118
Underground Performance Practice 126
Displaying Knowledge 128
Subjectivities and Embodying the Rapper 133
Thugs and Gangsters – Rapping and the
Transnational Imagination 139
Kujitegemea Rapping and Self Reliance 142
Performing Masculinity 146
Chapter 6
Tracing Careers Trajectories
Introduction 148
The Commercial MC – Ambwene Yessayah (AY) 151
The Stubborn MC – Joseph Mbilinyi (Mr II / Sugu) 160
Witness Mwaijaga – (Witnesz) 167
Conclusion 170
Chapter 7
Dogo Hashim
Introduction 173
Biography 175
Playing with Identity 179
Meaning and Multiplicity in Hashim’s Lyrics 192
Conclusion 201
Chapter 8
Genres and Texts
Introduction 202
The Creation of Texts 203
Genre Boundaries and the Ordering of Musical Space 210
Convening an Audience 214
Music with a Message 216
Code Switching and Swanglish 220
Underground Rappers Imagining the Audience 222
Wives and Playboys – Love, Sex and Romance 227
Tuspend – Consumption and its Anxieties 232
Kioo cha jamii – Socio Political Commentary 239
Intertextuality 243
Religious Discourses 250
Conclusion 255
Chapter 9
Rapping Online and in the Diaspora
Introduction 257
Rappers in the Diaspora
Kibacha Singo – (KBC) 260
Msafiri Kondo – (Solo Thang) 268
Rapped Music Online 270
Chapter 10
Introduction 280
Underground Rap 283
Contesting and Imagining the Nation 285
Rapping and Masculinity 289
Rapping as Intellectual Engagement with the World 293
Future Research 295
Appendices 298
Bibliography 301