Emielu, Austin ‘Maro: |
Dedication ii
Foreword vii
Acknowledgements x
1. Introduction 13
2. Popular Music in Nigeria 19
Highlife Music and the BBC Radio Debate 38
Notes 43
3. The Social Construction of Highlife Music 44
The Etymology of Highlife 48
The Social Construction of Highlife 52
Notes 56
4. Historical Development of Nigerian Highlife Music 57
Roots of Highlife Music 57
The Pre-Independence Period (1950-1960) 62
The Post-Independence Period (1960 —1970) 74
The Post-Civil War (Oil Boom) Period (1970-1980) 86
The Period of Economic Depression (1980-1990) 93
The Last Decade of the 20th Century (1990-1999) 99
Socio-Cultural Factors 103
Political and Ideological Factors 106
Economic Factors 108
Educational and Religious Factors 109
Notes 113
5. Forms and Styles of Nigerian Highlife Music 115
Rhythm 115
Rhythmic Pattern A 116
Rhythmic Pattern B 117
Rhythmic Pattern C 118
Melody 119
Harmony 122
Musical Texture 124
The Highlife Form 126
Content Analysis of Highlife Songs 127
Classification of Nigerian Highlife 141
Notes 149
6. Nigerian Highlife Musicians 150
7. Highlife Music in Contemporary Nigeria 178
Highlife in South West Nigeria 179
Highlife in the South South (Edo and Delta States) 184
Highlife in the South East 186
Highlife Music in Northern Nigeria 189
Issues in the Revival and Sustenance of Highlife Music in Contemporary Nigeria 192
Sustenance of Highlife as a Musical Style 193
Sustaining Highlife as a Sociological Concept 198
Sustaining Highlife as an Economic Product 201
Sustaining the Ideology of Highlife 205
The Generational Factor in Highlife Music 206
Notes 210
8. Social Reconstructionism: A New Theoretical Model 211
The Stage of Social Construction 212
The Stage of Social Deconstruction 213
Stage of Social Reconstruction 215
Towards a Social Reconstruction of Highlife Music 216
Glossary 219
Appendices 225
Bibliography 232
Discography 239
Index 242