Cuff, Martin & Ernest Omalla: |
1. Introduction
2. The music industry
2.i Global overview
2.ii Key components
2.iii Sector value chain
2.iv Revenue streams for international musicians
2.iv.i Authors
2.iv.ii Performers
3. Copyright
3.i Overview
3.ii Copyright – international norms
3.ii.i Automatic rights
3.ii.ii Author’s rights
3.ii.iii Moral rights
3.ii.iv Economic rights
3.ii.iv.i Performing Rights
3.ii.iv.ii Mechanical Rights
3.iii Neighbouring rights
3.iv Copyright uses
3.v. Collective management
3.v.i Main activities
3.v.ii Governance of collective management societies
3.v.iii Reciprocal international arrangements
3.v.iv Blanket licenses African CMO case studies
4. Music in Tanzania
4.i Tanzanian music sector overview
4.ii Treatment of copyright in Tanzania
4.iii Legislation
4.iv Policy
5. Stakeholders
5.ii World Intellectual Property Organization
5.iii BASATA
5.iv BRELA
5.viii Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation
5.ix Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
5.x Tanzania Revenue Authority
5.xi Music – private sector
5.xii Broadcasters – television, radio
5.xiii East Africa copyrights management
6. Key challenges
6.i Outdated legal framework
6.ii Critical under-resourcing of COSOTA
6.iii Bureaucracy & red tape
6.iv Lack of transparency
6.v Piracy Powers of enforcement
6.vii Lack of government coordination
6.viii Lack of a business-oriented music sector policy
6.ix Lack of awareness & information of copyrights
6.x High tariffs on musical instruments
6.xi Lack of industry statistics & information
6.xii The “tyranny of location”
7. Recommendations
7.i Overhaul of act
7.ii Enable & resource COSOTA
7.iii Adoption of technological best practice
7.iv Outsourced royalties management agency
7.v Music as business Developmental approach
7.vii Improved sector coordination
7.viii Industry organisation / coordination
7.ix Waiver of import duties on musical instruments
7.x Business skills training
7.xi Copyright training & awareness promotion
7.xii Enforcement / anti-piracy
7.xiii Research & development
7.xiv Home copy levy
7.xv Distribution and consumer development
7.xvi Digitisation of back catalogue
8. Technology solutions
8.i Technology interventions for COSOTA operations
8.ii Shazam
8.iii Other applications
8.iii.i. Hello Sign
8.iii.ii Eventbrite
8.iii.iii Lemon Wall
8.iii.iv Fujitsu ScanSnap
8.iii.v Xero HelloFax Adobe EchoSign
8.iii.viii Shoeboxed
8.iii.ix Nitro
8.iii.x. Evernote
9. Summary of recommendations
10. Strategies
A: Formalised government
B: Formalised & skilled industry
C: Process management
11. Conclusion – outcomes of the research