Englert, Birgit (ed.): |
Birgit Englert
Popular Music and Politics in Africa – Some Introductory Reflections 1
Anne Schumann
The Beat that Beat Apartheid: The Role of Music in the Resistance against Apartheid in South Africa 17
Uta Reuster-Jahn
Bongo Flava and the electoral campaign 2005 in Tanzania 41
Uta Reuster-Jahn
Appendix with lyrics of the songs analysed in “Bongo Flava and the electoral campaign 2005 in Tanzania” (Swahili with English translation) i-xx.
This appendix is only available online
Birgit Englert
Ambiguous Relationships: Youth, Popular Music and Politics in Tanzania 71
Christine Ludl
“To skip a step”: New representation(s) of migration, success and politics in Senegalese rap and theatre 97
Alain Ricard
Le “taarab est comme le concert party…” – Reflexions comparatives 123
Authors 137