Coplan, David B[ellin]: |
Acknowledgements ix
A note on terminology xi
1 Introduction: In township last night 1
2 City life and performing arts in nineteenth-century South Africa 13
3 Black Johannesburg, 1900-1920 74
4 Black performance culture between the world wars:
the ‘rank and file’ 110
5 Black performance culture between the world wars:
the ‘situations’ 135
6 Sophiatown: culture and community, 1940-1960 170
7 Township music and musicians, 1960-1980 224
8 Twenty years of black theatre: the struggle for black city culture 264
9 The darkness and the dawn: black popular music since 1980 293
10 Jazz and other (con)fusions since 1990 340
11 Out of the townships tonight: emerging South African theatre 367
12 Conclusion: In township tomorrow night 396
Appendix A 423
Appendix B 427
Appendix C 432
Glossary 438
Index 445