Chirwa, Jacob Abel: |
Approval ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract vi
Table of contents ix
Maps and illustrations xii
Chapter One
1.0 Statement of purpose 1
1.1 Historical background of Mwase – Lundazi Area 2
1.2 Review of literature 7
1.3 Methodology 7
1.3.1 Data collection 7
1.3.7 Data Analysis 9
Chapter Two
Historical development of the Mganda dance
2.0 Music and dance in traditional Chewa and Tumbuka society 12
2.1 Origins of Mganda in Mwase – Lundazi 13
2.2 Mgande dance between 1937 and 1952 17
2.2.1 Simati phase 1937 – 1946 19
2.2.2 Ombeza phase 1947 – 1952 21
2.2.3 Kandale phase 1953 – 1958 23
2.3 Mganda dance practice: A case study from the Simati phase 25
2.3.1 The Making of a Boma 25
2.3.2 Preparation for a performance 30
2.3.3 The performance 31
Chapter Three
Social functions of Mganda dance songs
3.0 Theoretical framework 35
3.1 Social functions 36
3.1.1 The Function of recreation and aesthetic enjoyment 38
3.1.2 The Function of emotional expression 40
3.1.3 The Function of cohesion: Education and conformity
to social norms 42 Political commentary 44 Economic commentary 47 Social commentary 49
3.1.4 The Function of contribution to social and cultural stability 59
Chapter Four
Literary features of Mganda dance songs
4.0 The Song as lyric poetry 61
4.1 Techniques of song composition 63
4.2 Forms of singing 67
4.2.1 The A – B form 68
4.2.2 Solo and chorused refrain 69
4.2.3 Mixed sectional form 70
4.3 The Nature of poetry 73
4.3.1 Emotive sounds 74
4.3.2 Idiophones and onomatopoeias 77
4.3.3 Repetition 80 Anaphoric repetition 82 Incremental repetition 82 Parallelism 83
4.3.4 Language Linguistic borrowing 85 Euphony 87 Imagery 88 Euphemism 90 Allusions 91 Rhythm 92
Chapter Five
Conclusion 95
Footnotes 97
Bibliography 100
Interviews 104
Appendix 105