Aning, B[en] A.: |
Introduction 1
Table of Entries 4 [see below]
Annotation 5
Index of Authors 45
Table of Entries
Section – Area Entry – Number of entries
1. General Nos. 1-30
2. East Africa
Kenya Nos. 31-38
South Sudan Nos. 39-41
Tanzania Nos. 42-46
Uganda Nos. 47-50
3. South Africa
Swaziland Nos. 51-54
Union of South Africa and
South West Africa Nos. 55-69
4. Central Africa
Malawi (Formerly Nyasaland) Nos. 70-74
Southern Rhodesia Nos. 75-76
Zambia (Formerly Northern Rhodesia) Nos. 77-85
5. West Africa Nos. 86-89
Cameroons Nos. 90-91
Ghana Nos. 92-109
Nigeria Nos. 110-131
Sierra Leone No. 132