> West Africa general (2 or more countries) | Books | Articles |
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Amico, Marta:
La fabrique d’une musique touarègue.
Un son du désert dans la World Music.
Paris: Karthala, 2020. 320 p.
Table des matières
Barber, Karin; [Edmund] John Collins & Alain Ricard:
West African Popular Theatre.
Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press &
Oxford: James Currey, 1997. 312 p.
Camara, Sory:
Gens de la parole.
Essai sur la condition et le rôle de griots dans la société Malinké.
Paris: Mouton, 1976. 358 p.
Table des matières
Charry, Eric:
Mande Music.
Traditional and Modern Music of the
Maninka and Mandinka of Western Africa.
Chicago, Ill. & London: University of Chicago Press, 2000. 500 p.
Coester, Markus:
Highlife on the Move.
Selected Nigerian & Ghanaian Recordings from London & Lagos 1954-66.
Soundway Records SNDW 060CD, 2015. 44 p. & 2 audio CDs / 12 p. & 3 LPs with bonus 7 inch.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Musicmakers of West Africa.
Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1985. 177 p.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
West African Pop Roots.
Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1992. 349 p.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Highlife Time.
Accra: Anamsesem Publications, 1994. xxii & 274 p.
Second revised edition
Accra: Anamsesem Publications,1996. xxi & 295 p.
Third revised edition
Highlife Time 3.
Accra: DAkpabli & Associates, 2018. 632 p.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Highlife Giants: West African Dance Band Pioneers.
Abuja & London: Cassava Republic Press, 2016. 334 p.
Counsel, Graeme:
Mande Popular Music and Cultural Policies in West Africa.
Griots and Government Policy since Independence.
[Ph.D. The University of Melbourne, 2006. x & 318 p.]
Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2009. 290 p.
Dave, Nomita:
From Praise Song to Protest: Music and Politics in West Africa.
M.Phil. University of Oxford, 2007. 122 p.
Dorsch, Hauke:
Globale Griots. Performanz in der afrikanischen Diaspora.
Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Band 23.
Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2006. 290 & XLIX p.
Dramé, Adama & Arlette Senn-Borloz:
Jeliya êntre griot et musician aujourd’hui.
Paris: L’Harmattan, 1992. 366 p.
Table des matières
Durán, Lucy & Graham Furniss (eds.):
Sunjata, Gambian versions of the Mande epic by Bamba Suso and Banna Kanuteh.
London: Penguin Classics, 1999. 160 p.
Hale, Thomas and Aissata Sidikou (eds.):
Women’s Songs from West Africa.
Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2014. 352 p.
Lee, Hélène:
Rockers d’Afrique. Stars et légendes du rock mandingue.
Alpha Blondy – Mory Kanté – Salif Keita – Touré Kunda – et les autres…
Paris: Albin Michel, 1988. 223 p.
Table des matières
Mamadi, Kaba:
Anthologie de chants mandingues (Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Mali).
Paris: L’Harmattan, 1995. 239 p.
Table des matières
Oti, Sonny:
Highlifee Music in West Africa. Down Memory Lane.
Surelere: Malthouse Press Ltd., 2009. 192 p.
Ramdine, Didier:
La guitare blues de l’Afrique de l’Ouest / West African Guitar.
Collection Fa Si La apprendre / Collection E C to Learn.
Goudeloupe: R-D Éditions, 2016. 23 p. & telecharge / download code
Table des matières / Contents
Smith, Edna Marilyn:
Music in West Africa.
Ed.D. Columbia University, 1961. 221 p.
Wiggins, Trevor:
Music of West Africa.
Oxford: Heineman Education / WOMAD Foundation, 1993. 80 p. & 2 audio cassettes.
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