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Adandé, A[lexandre]:
L’évolution de la musique africaine.
Notes Africaines (Dakar), No. 54, avril 1952: 39-44.
Who Started the ‘Highlife’?
West African Review (Liverpool), Vol. 29, No. 372, October 1958: 804-807.
Arlt, Veit:
The Union Trade Company and Its Recordings: An Unintentional Documentation of West African Popular Music, 1931-1957.
History in Africa (Cambridge), Vol. 31, 2004: 393-405.
Bender, Wolfgang:
Waka – Sakara – Apala – Fuji.
Islamisch beeinflusste Musik der Yoruba in Nigeria und Benin.
Kommentierte Kataloge zur afrikanischen Musik Nr. 2.
Beyreuth: IWALEWA, Universität Bayreuth, 1983. 22 p.
Bender, Wolfgang:
A Unique Case and Opportunity: In Favor of a Study on the UTC Label.
History in Africa (Cambridge), Vol. 31, 2004: 441-445.
Bilby, Kenneth [M.]:
Africa’s Creole Drum. The Gumbe as Vector and Signifier of Trans-African Creolization.
in: Baron, Robert & Ana C. Cara (eds.):
Creolization as Cultural Creativity.
Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 2011: 137-177.
Camara, Ansoumane:
L’image de Kèmè Bouréma dans l’épopée samorienne.
Mande Studies (Bloomington, Ind.), Vol. 3, 2001 : 65-72.
Camara, Seydou; Eric Charry & Jan Jansen:
The Mande Praise Song Kayra (Peace): Mande Global Perspectives.
Metamorphoses (Northampton, Mass.), Vol. 10, Issue 1, Spring 2002: 300-321.
Cannizzo, Jeanne:
Rastamen, Reggae and West African Masquerading.
Paper Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association,
Los Angeles, California, October 31 – November 3, 1979. (79-26).
Cathcart, Jenny:
The Music of West Africa – A Period of Transition.
in: Hanly, Francis & Tim May (eds.): Rhythms of the World.
London: BBC Books, 1989: 68-77.
Charry, Eric:
The Grand Mande Guitar Tradition of the Western Sahel and Savannah.
The World of Music (Berlin), Vol. 36, No. 2, 1994: 21-61.
Chernoff, John Miller:
Africa Come Back. The Popular Music of West Africa.
in: Haydon, Geoffrey & Dennis Marks (eds.):
Repercussions. A Celebration of African-American Music.
London: Century Publishing, 1985: 152-186.
Deutsche Ausgabe
Highlife. Pop-Musik aus West-Afrika.
in: Haydon, Geoffrey & Dennis Marks (Hrsg.):
Schwarze Rhythmen. Von den Ursprüngen der afro-amerikanischen Musik zur Jazz und Pop.
München: Knaur, 1986: 237-280.
Coester, Markus:
Localising African Popular Music Transnationally:
‘Highlife-Travellers’ in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s.
Journal of African Cultural Studies (Abingdon), Vol. 20, Issue 2, 2008: 133-144.
Collins, E[dmund] J[ohn]:
Post-War Popular Band Music in West Africa.
African Arts (Los Angeles, Calif.), Vol. 10, No. 3, April 1977: 53-60.
Deutsche Ausgabe
Die populäre Musik in Westafrika nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
in: Erlmann, Veit (Hrsg.): Populäre Musik in Afrika.
Veröffentlichungen des Museum für Völkerkunde. Neue Folge 53.
Abteilung Musikethnologie VIII. Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1991: 15-31.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Sixty Years of West African Popular Music.
West Africa (London), 16th October 1978: 2041-2044.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Cross Rhythms: Popular Music of West Africa.
Africa Now (London), No. 3, June 1981: 76-77.
Collins, Edmund John:
Jazz Feedback to Africa.
American Music (Champaign, Ill.), Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1987: 176-193.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
The Early History of West African Highlife Music.
Popular Music (Cambridge), Volume 8, Issue 3, October 1989: 221-230.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
La musique populaire dans l’Afrique de l’Ouest Anglophone.
Notre Librairie (Paris), n° 141, juillet-septembre 2000: 114-118.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
The Impact of African-American Performance on West Africa from 1800.
Paper presented during the 2004 VAD Conferemce.
Afrika im Kontext. Weltbezüge in Geschichte und gegenwart.
19. Internationale Tagung. Vereinigung von afrikanisten in Deuchland e.v.
02.06.-05.06.2004 Universität Hannover: 1-11.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
‘African Guitarism’. One Houndred Years of West African Highlife.
Legon Journal of the Humanities (Legon), Vol. 17, 2006: 173-196.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Popular Dance Music and the Media.
in: Njogu, Kimani & John Middleton (eds.):
Media and Identity in Africa.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009: 162-170.
Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2010: 162-170.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
Von Seeleuten und Soldaten.
in: Diederichsen, Detlef & Florian Sievers (Hrsg.):
Pop 16 – 100 Jahre produzierte Musik.
Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2017: 115-126.
Collins, [Edmund] John & Paul Richards:
Popular Music in West Africa – Suggestions for an Interpretative Framework.
in: Horn, David & Philip Tagg (eds.):
Popular Music Perspectives.
Papers from The First International Conference on Popular Music Research, Amsterdam, June 1981.
Göteborg & Exeter: IASPM, 1982: 111-141.
in: Frith, Simon (ed.):
World Music, Politics and Social Change.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989: 12-46.
Despres, Altaïr & Marta Amico:
Migrer à contre-courant. L’exemple des résidents culturels européens en Afrique de l’Ouest.
Cahiers d’études africaines (Paris), n° 221-222, 2016: 367-388.
Diawara, Mamadou:
Le griot Mande à l’heure de la globalisation.
Cahiers d’études africaines (Paris), vol. 36, n° 144, 1996: 591-612.
Diawara, Mamadou:
Mande Oral Popular Culture Revisited by the Electronic media.
in: Barber, Karin (ed.): Readings in African Popular Culture.
London: The International Africa Institute in Association with James Currey, Oxford
and Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind., 1997: 40-48.
Djebbari, Élina:
Guerre froide, jeux politiques et circulations musicales entre Cuba et l’Afrique de l’Ouest.
Las Maravillas de Mali à Cuba et la Orquesta Aragón en Afrique.
Afrique contemporaine (Paris), 2015/2 (n° 254): 21-36.
Dorsch, Hauke:
Westafrikanische Musik: Vom Preisgesang zum Pop.
in: Leggewie, Claus & Erik Meyer (Hrsg.):
Globale Pop. Das Buch zur Weltmusik.
Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler Verlag, 2017: 299-306.
Durán, Lucy:
The Kora – from West Africa to the World Stage.
in: Contadini, Anna (ed.):
Celebrating Art and Music: the SOAS collections.
London: SOAS, University of London, 2017: 12-29.
Ebron, Paulla A.:
Continental Riffs: Praisesingers in Transnational Contexts.
African Identities (Abingdon), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004: 133-149.
Emielu, A[ustin] ‘M[aro]:
Change and Genre Development in the West African Highlife Music.
Ife Journal of African Literature and the Arts (Isala) (Ile-Ife), Vol. 6, 2011: 93-108.
Eyre, Banning:
In Search of West African Guitar Genius.
Guitar Player (San Bruno, Calif.), Vol. 28, No. 4, 1994: 97-104.
Fosu-Mensah, Kwabena; Lucy Duran & Chis Stapleton:
On Music in Contemporary West Africa.
African Affairs (London), Vol. 86, No. 343, April 1987: 227-240.
Gőogowski, Maciej:
Past and Present of the West African Music.
Africana Bulletin (Warszawa), No. 49, 2001: 171-187.
Hanna, Judith Lynn:
The Highlife: A West African Urban Dance.
in: Rowe, Patricia A. & Ernestine Stodelle (eds.): Dance Research Monograph 1.
New York, N. Y.: Committee on Research in Dance, 1971: 138-152.
in: van Zile, J. (ed.): Dance in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Selected Readings.
New York, N.Y.: MSS Information Corporation, 1976: 164-177.
Harrev, Flemming:
Francophone West Africa and the Jali Experience.
in: Collins, [Edmund] John: West African Pop Roots.
Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1992: 209-243.
Hoffman, Barbara G.
Power, Structure, and Mande Jeliw.
in: Conrad, David C. & Barbara E. Frank (eds.):
Status and Identity in West Africa: Nyamakalaw of Mande.
Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1995: 36-45.
Kane, Djibril:
L’Impact de la Piraterie sur la Production Musicale et sur l’Economie des pays en Voie de Développement.
Document présenté pour ‘l’Atelier de Sensibilisation sur les Droits d’Auteur destine aux Autorités Nationales du Mali, Burkina Faso et du Niger’, sponsorisé par l’UNESCO. Bamako, Mali, 6-7 avril 2005.
Keita, Cheick Mahamadou Chérif:
Jaliya in the Modern World.
in: Conrad, David C. & Barbara E. Frank (eds.):
Status and Identity in West Africa. The Nyamakalaw of Mande.
Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1995: 182-196.
King, Bruce:
Introducing the High-Life.
Jazz Monthly (London), Vol. 12, No. 5, July 1966: 3-8.
Kinney, Esi Sylvia:
Urban West African Music and Dance.
African Urban Notes (East Lansing, Mich.), Vol. 5, No. 4, Winter 1970: 3-10.
Künzler, Daniel:
Rapping against the Lack of Change: Rap Music in Mali and Burkina Faso.
in: Soucier, P[aul] Khalil (ed.):
Native Tongues. An African Hip-Hop Reader.
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Mbaye, Jenny [F.]:
AURA ou de la production politique de la musique hip hop.
Cahiers de recherche sociologique (Montréal, QC), nᵒ 49, 2010: 147–160.
English edition
Hip-Hop Political Production in West Africa:
AURA and Its Extraordinary Stories of Poto-Poto Children.
in: Soucier, P[aul] Khalil (ed.):
Native Tongues. An African Hip-Hop Reader.
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Mbaye, Jenny F.:
On the Rogue Practices of West African Musical Entrepreneurs.
in: Pieterse, Edgar & AbdouMaliq Simone (eds.):
Rogue Urbanism: Emergent African Cities.
Cape Town: African Centre for Cities & Jacana Media, 2013: 253–264.
McNee, Lisa:
Back from Babylon: Popular Musical Cultures of the Diaspora, Youth Culture and Identity in Francophone West Africa.
in: Young, Richard (ed.):
Critical Studies Vol. 19: Music, Popular Culture, Identities.
Amsterdam & New York, N.Y.: Editions Rodopi, 2002: 231-248.
New York, N.Y.: Brill, 2016: 213-228.
Mensah, Atta [Annan]:
in: Sadie, Stanley (ed.):
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Vol. 8.
London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1980: 550-551.
Moore, Sylvia:
Effects of Mass Media on Traditional Music Cultures in Industrial and Developing Countries.
in: Heartz, Daniel & Bonnie Wade (eds.):
International Musicological Society: Report of the Twelfth Congress, Berkeley 1977.
Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1981: 552-556.
Moore, Sylvia:
Social Identity in Popular Mass Media Music.
in: Horn, David & Philip Tagg (eds.):
Popular Music Perspectives.
Papers from The First International Conference on Popular Music Research, Amsterdam, June 1981.
Göteborg & Exeter: IASPM, 1982: 196-222.
Niang, Abdoulaye:
« Nous le Hip hop, on le tropicalise » : Hip hop, engagement et renouveau panafricaniste.
Communication présentée à la 13ème Assamblée général de CODESRIA, 5-9/12/2011, Rabat, Maroc. 20 p.
Racanelli, David:
Formulaic Variation Procedures in Mande Griot (Jeli) Guitar Playing and Improvisation.
Analytical Approaches To World Music (University of British Columbia), Vol. 2, No.1, 2012: 152-176.
Salm, Steven J.:
Globalization and West African Music.
History Compass (Hoboken, N.J.), Vol. 8, Issue 12, December 2010: 1328-1339.
Saqui, Joan:
Everybody Loves Saturday Night.
West African Review (Liverpool), Vol. 25, No. 319, April 1954: 329 & 331.
Savishinsky, Neil J.:
Rastafari in the Promised Land.
The Spread of a Jamaican Socioreligious Movement among the Youth of West Africa.
African Studies Review (Cambridge), Vol. 37, Issue 3, 1994: 19-50.
Schmidt, Cynthia:
Kru Mariners and Migrants of the West African Coast.
in: Stone, Ruth M. (ed.): The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 1: Africa.
New York, N.Y. & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1998: 370-382.
Schulz, Dorothea E[lisabeth]:
Seductive Secretiveness: Jeliw Creators and Creations of Ethnography.
Mande Studies (Bloomington, Ind.), Vol. 2, 2000: 55-79.
Shipley, Jesse Weaver:
Parody after Identity: Digital Music and the Politics of Uncertainty in West Africa.
American Ethnologist (Arlington, Va.), Vol. 44, Issue 2, May 2017: 249-262.
Smith, Edna M[arilyn]:
Popular Music in West Africa.
African Music (Roodepoort), Vol. 3, No. 1, 1962: 11-17.
Steward, Sue:
The Women who call the Tune.
West Africa (London), 4 June 1984: 1168-1169.
Taylor, Alan R.:
Notes on the West African Record Industry.
Africa Report (Washington, D.C.), Vol. 13, No. 1, January 1968: 2.
Tchebwa, [Antoine] Manda:
La Jeliya ou l’art griotique mandingue.
in: Kadima-Nzuji, Mukala & Alpha Noël Malonga (dir.):
Ininéraires et convergences des musiques traditionelles et modernes d’Afrique.
Paris: L’Harmattan / Brazzaville: FESPAM, 2004: 21-67.
Vernon, Paul:
Savannaphone. Talking Machines Hit West Africa.
Folk Roots (London), No. 122 (Vol. 15, No. 2), August 1993: 21, 23 & 25.
Wittmann, Frank:
The Global-Local Nexus: Popular Music Studies and the Case of Rastafari Culture in West Africa.
Critical Arts (Abingdon), Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2011: 150-174.
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