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> Sierra Leone | Books | Articles |

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Bender, Wolfgang:
Songs by Ebenezer Calender in Krio and
English from Freetown – Sierra Leone.

Song Texts of African Popular Music No. 2.
Bayreuth: Iwalewa, University of Bayreuth, 1984. 69 p.

Calendar, Ebenezar:
Krio Songs.
Stories and Songs from Sierra Leone 1.
Freetown: People’s Educational Association, 1985. 26 p.

Koroma, Salia (Interviewed by Heribert Hinzen):
My Life Story.
Stories and Songs from Sierra Leone 5.
Freetown: People’s Educational Association, 1985. 27 p.

Nunley, John W.:
Moving with the Face of the Devil.
Art and Politics in Urban West Africa.
Urbana & Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1987. 281 p.

Oven, Cootje van:
An Introduction to the Music of Sierra Leone.
Freetown: Published by the Author, 1981. 85 p. & audio cassette

Oven, Cootje van:
Supplement to An Introduction to the Music of Sierra Leone.
Culemborg: Published by the Author, 1982. 47 p. & audio cassette

Salm, Steven James:
Sitting Here in Limbo: Popular Music and Identity Transformation
among the Disenfranchised Youth of Freetown and Nairobi.

M.A. University of Texas at Austin, 1997.

Sievers, Bernhard:
Musik in Sierra Leone.
Tradition, Wandel und Identitätsverlust einer Musikkultur in West-Afrika.
Münster & Hamburg: Litt Verlag, 1992. 245 p.

Stasik, Michael:
DISCOnnections: Popular Music Audiences in Freetown Sierra Leone.
Bamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group /
Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2012. 256 p.
Contents PDF Download / Télécharger / Baixar 3.94 MB

Tucker, Boima:
Musical Violence Gangsta Rap and Politics in Sierra Leone.
Current African Issues, No. 52.
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2013 62 p.
ContentsPDF Download / Télécharger / Baixar 316 KB

Page created 22/08/2017 © afrobib.com – update 22/10/2018

  • Bender, Wolfgang:
    Songs by Ebenezer Calender in Krio and English from Freetown – Sierra Leone.
    Song Texts of African Popular Music No. 2.
    Bayreuth: IWALEWA, University of Bayreuth, 1984. 69 p.
    ISBN N/A


    Preface 5

    Song Texts 7

    yu kuk jolof res 8
    You Cooked Jollof Rice 9

    dobul deka bos 14
    Double-Decker Bus 15

    anti maraya 20
    Aunty Maraya 21

    u stol may chikin 26
    Who Stole My Chicken 27

    dont lay may lovin bebi 30
    Don’t Lie My Loving Baby 31

    bebi le yu pawda naw 34
    Baby Lay On Your Powder Now 35

    enimi bin em at sontin 38
    Enemies Had Aimed At Something 39

    du yu du lef mi yon 44
    Do Your Thing Leave Mine 45

    si mi no mo 48
    See Me No More 49

    na mared ring yu want 52
    It Is A Wedding Ring You Want 53

    yuba no get pepa 56
    Vulture Has No Certificate 57

    yu it mi moni yu se yu no want mi 60
    You Ate My Money You Say You Don’t Want Me 61

    koni rabit en kondo 62
    Cunning Rabbit and Lizard 63

    Krio Pronunciation and Orthography 67
    Discography 69

  • Calendar, Ebenezar:
    Krio Songs.
    Stories and Songs from Sierra Leone 1.
    Freetown: People’s Educational Association, 1985. 26 p.
    ISBN N/A


     1. Faya! Faya! Faya! 4
     2. Aw Mi Yon Tan So? 6
     3. A Fala Wata 8
     4. Open Winda 10
     5. Ol Mi Kompin Den De Na Man Os 12
     6. Lef Mi Bo, A No De Pan Dat 14
     7. Ro Bonga We No No Insef 16
     8. Moni! Moni! Moni! Moni! 18
     9. Jelos Man, Tek Korej 20
    10. Na Wan Tid Fo Du Akpani 22
    11. Moni Kam, Plaba Don 24
    12. Bobo, Na Yu Du Mi So? 26

  • Koroma, Salia: (Interviewed by Heribert Hinzen).
    My Life Story.
    Stories and Songs from Sierra Leone 5.
    Freetown: People’s Educational Association, 1985. 27 p.
    ISBN N/A


    No Table of Contents.
    Headings drawn from text.

    [Introduction] 2
    [Heribert Hinzen presentation] 4
    [My name is Salia Koroma] 6
    [I was born in 1903] 8
    [I joined the train and left for Freetown] 13
    [I decided to leave my home land for Kenema] 16
    [Songs and stories] 18
    [I play at big occasions] 21
    [Yes, I can remember much more than some litterates] 23

  • Nunley, John W.:
    Moving with the Face of the Devil.
    Art and Politics in Urban West Africa.
    Urbana & Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1987. 281 p.
    ISBN 0-252-01015-9


    List of Illustrations xi
    Preface xv
    Acknowledgements xxiii

    1. The Great Experiment 3
    Freetown in the Early Years 3
    A Culture Transplanted 14
    Traditional Medicine 21
    The Egungun Society 24
    Ogun and the Hunting Societies 27
    The Emergence of a New Society 31
    A New Identity 36

    2. Freetown 38
    Before World War II 44
    The War Years 50
    Since World War II 53

    3. Ode-lay Organization 61
    Offices 62
    Medicine 68

    4. The Ode-lay Societies 75
    Firestone 77
    Paddle 81
    Bloody Mary 86
    Civilian Rule 89
    Rainbow 96

    5. Ode-lay Aesthetics 103
    The Fancy Aesthetic 103
    The Fierce Aesthetic 120
    The Fancy/Fierce Opposition 131
    The Masquerades 132

    6. The Ode-lay Artist 139
    The Artistic Personality 139
    The Artists 141
        Mustapha Kargbo 141
        Ajani 145
        John Goba 149
        Edmund Coker and Abdul Karim Silla 153
    Prospective for Ode-lay Art 158

    7. Music of the Freetown Societies 160
    Lantern Music 161
    Mailo jazz 164
    Songs, Traditional and Modern 167
    Reggae 173

    8. A Theory of Art and Performance 176
    Two Successful Performances 177
    An Unsuccessful Performance 182
    A Theory of Performance 184

    9. Conflict as a Factor of Society Life 193
    Intragroup Conflict 193
    Intergroup Conflict 197

    10. The Politicization of Urban Secret Societies 203
    The Traditional Societies and Politics 203
    The Ode-lay Societies and Politics 207

    11. Unity and Control 216
    The Permit Issue 217
    The Bid for Unity 217
    Reactions to Permit Suppression 220
    Control of Devil Processions 223

    12. Tea Kettles and the Cooling Effects of Art 228

    Appendix 1
    Freetown Masking Societies in 1978 by Ward 235
    Appendix 2
    Permission for Masked Devil Procession 239
    Appendix 3
    Police Public Notice-Masked Devils 241
    Appendix 4
    Minutes of Meeting between Paddle, Firestone, and Bloody Mary Societies 242

    Notes 245
    Glossary 256
    Bibliography 261
    Index 269

  • Oven, Cootje van:
    An Introduction to the Music of Sierra Leone.
    Freetown: Published by the Author, 1981. 85 p. & audio cassette
    ISBN 0-237-50913-X / Audio cassette re-released by Evans (London), ca. 1983 


    Acknowledgements [i]

    Note on the Cassette 1
    Introduction 3

    Chapter 1 Types of Songs and Instrumental Pieces 5
    Chapter 2 Musical Instruments 7
    Chapter 3 Singing Style, Phrasing and Form 29
    Chapter 4 Rhythms 51
    Chapter 5 Scales on which the Music is Built 59
    Chapter 6 Part-Singing  77
    Chapter 7 How to Do your own Research 83

    List of Songs and Pieces 84

  • Oven, Cootje van:
    Supplement to An Introduction to the Music of Sierra Leone.
    Culemborg: Published by the Author, 1982. 47 p. & audio cassette
    ISBN 0-237-50913-X / Audio cassette re-released by Evans (London), ca. 1983


    Acknowledgements [i]

    Note on Supplementary Cassette 1

    Chapter 1 Types of Songs and Instrumental Pieces 3
    Chapter 2 Musical Instruments 5
    Chapter 3 Singing Style, Phrasing and Form 11
    Chapter 4 Rhythms 29
    Chapter 5 Scales on which the Music is Built 37
    Chapter 6 Part-Singing 43

    List of Songs and Pieces 46

  • Sievers, Bernhard:
    Musik in Sierra Leone.
    Tradition, Wandel und Identitätsverlust einer Musikkultur in West-Afrika.
    Münster & Hamburg: Litt Verlag, 1992. 245 p.
    ISBN 3-89473-130-3


    Einleitung  1

    1 Landeskunde, Geschichte und Gegenwart  9
    Geographische Aspekte – Ökonomie – Währung – Löhne –
    Gehälter – Wirtschaftspolitik – Lebenshaltungskosten –
    Bildung – Bevölkerung – Religion – Lebenserwartung –

    2 Musikformen  31

    2.1 Übersicht der Formen und Gattungen  31
    Tribal songs / Tribal music – Praise Songs / Lob- u.
    Preislieder – Festive Songs / Lieder zu Feiern u.
    Vergnügungen – Songs concerning Chiefs / WilIkommens-
    u. Preislieder – Instrumentalmusik – Andere Gattungen

    2.2 Erzählformen und “orale Literatur” 37
    (Mythen, Märchen, Stammesgenealogie)
    s. Anhang: Salia Koroma, Le Le Gbomba

    3 Kulturvokabular der Musikinstrumente  40
    Vokabular Tabellen – Chordophone – Aerophone –
    Membranophone – Idiophone – Zusammenfassende
    Darstellung – Abbildungen – Hintergründe (‘uses and function’)

    4 Vokalmusik  67

    4.1 Mehrstimmige Gesangsform in einer Pfingstgemeinde (Musik in der Pentecostal-Church)  67
    Allgemeines – Liedformen – Tonmaterial – Gegennotenprinzip –
    Beobachtungen – Perkussionsinstrumenten und Rhythmik –
    Folgerungen – Notenbeispiele – Transkriptionen –

    4.2 Einstimmige Gesangsform (Gesang eines Muezzin)  82
    Allgemeines – Tonsprache und Melodik – Tonmaterial –
    Textdeutung – Notenbeispiele – Musikbeispiele

    4.3 Einstimmige Gesangsform (Gesang eines Fischers)  91
    Allgemeines – Song Wajeh – Textdeutung – Hintergründe –
    Tonmaterial – subjektive Aspekte – Notenbeispiele

    5 Instrumentalmusik  97

    5.1 Gitarrennusik (Modemes Klagelied)  97
    Allgemeines – Song Nanah – Bauart – Materialprobleme – Harmonische Formen – Spieltechnik – Notenbeispiele – Musikbeispiele

    5.2 Das Balangi Xylophon  105
    Allgemeine Typen und Formen – Verbreitung – Bauart –
    Spieltechniken – konträrer Spielbereich – melodischer
    Spielbereich – Klangtasten – Stimmung – Tonumfang –
    Song health is wealth – Song of two voices to one husband –
    Kontrast und Kemreihe in der Rhythmik – Wahrnehmungs-
    effekte – Transkriptionen – Musikbeispiele

    5.3 Phase 1: Kundi (Ein Lamellophon)  123
    Allgemeines – Bauart – Spieltechnik – Stimmung – soziale
    Reputation – Transkriptionen – praise song Ba waga te po jâ –
    praise song Da Gba ga te po jâ – Musikbeispiele

    5.3.1 Phase 2: Bau einer Kundi im Film  135
    Materialien – Stimmung – musikalisch / linguistische Zusammenhänge – Spieltechnik – Vergleiche Phase 1 u. 2 – Folgerungen – Transkriptionen

    6 Die National Dance Group von Sierra Leone und
    die Milo Jazz-Band
    Konstellationen – Musikinstrumente

    6.1 Phase 1: Die Schliztrommel Kalang und Kaleh – Musikstrukturen  144
    Stimmung – musikalisch / linguistische Zusammenhänge
    zwischen der Tonsprache Mende und der Kalang und Kaleh
    Trommel – Folgerungen – Beobachtungen – Der Instrumenten-
    bauer Santene Barie – Transkriptionen – Musikbeispiele

    6.2 Phase 2: Die National Dance Group von Sierra Leone
    im Film  165
    Ensemblespiel – Instrumente – ethnische Konstellationen –
    rhytmische Strukturen – Transkriptionen

    7 Zusammenfassung
    (Tradition, Wandel, Identitätsverlust)  190

    Anhang  201
    Bibliographie und Nachweise  224

  • Stasik, Michael:
    DISCOnnections: Popular Music Audiences in Freetown Sierra Leone.
    Bamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group /
    Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2012. 256 p.
    ISBN 9956-728-51-9


    List of photos xii
    List of maps xii
    Abbreviations xiii
    Acknowledgements xiv

    1 Introduction 1
    Readjusting perspectives 3
    Chapter synopsis 4

    Part I
    The music/society nexus – some introductory reflections and observations

    2 Introducing the City and Its Sounds 9
    Freetown sounds 9
    Musical minds 17

    3 Music and Society – A Preliminary Theoretical Outline 20
    A brief phenomenology of music 20
    Musicking 22
    Music/dance 25

    4 Revisiting Methods of Socio-Sonic Inquiry 32
    (Re-)inquiring Africa’s socio-sonic fields 32
     Networks and methods of inquiry in Freetown’s socio-sonic fields 37

    Part II
    From Class to Mass – Freetown’s Music and Society in Historical Perspective

    5 Introduction 45

    6 Early Developments – The 19th Century 49
    First sounds and settlers 49
    Cultural amalgamations and socio-musical stratifications 53

    7 Socio-Musical Approximations – 1900s to 1930s 58
    Harmonizing sounds 58
    Urban reactions 59
    8 The Heydays of Local Popular Music – 1940s to 1970s 64
    Stars, recordings, and technological “democratizations” (1940s and 1950s) 64
    The generation of 1961 and the non-politics of pop music (1960s) 67
    Principles of antinomy: The politics of decline and the golden years of popular music (1970s) 72

    9 Popular Music in the Time of Decay – the 1980S and 1990s 77
    Economic breakdown, technological advancements, and world music (1980s) 77
    War (and) revival (1990s) 80
    Erratic politics and a defiant music industry 84
    The AFRC coup’s contradictive effects 86
    Too stubborn to surrender 88

    10 Post-War Boom and Post-Election Decline 95
    A new beginning 95
    Spirit of renewal 96
    Radio, recordings, and re-recordings 97
    Musicalizing protest, politicizing music 100
    The late “naughties” 103

    11 Conclusion – Beyond the Ephemerality of Style 108

    Part III
    Disconnections – Social Dynamics in the Spaces of Music

    12 Introduction 115

    13 (Night)Life at the Edge of Chaos  120
    Dance floor complexities 120
    Wayward audiences 122

    14 The Seasonality of Music 126
    Rains, heats and breezes 126
    Seasons of dearth, seasons of plenty 128
    Feasts and fastings 129
    Season of migration to the clubs 132

    15 Building, Binding and Dividing 136
    Music’s building material 136
    A short typology of music events 138
    The private, the social, and the public 140
    Music’s binding material 144

    16 A Topography of Freetown’s Social Imaginary 150
    Geographies of dreams 150
    Moving to the west 151
    A music venue census 154
    At the crossroads 159
    A car park’s indices 164
    Subverting boundaries 166

    17 The Politics of Price, Prestige and Consumption 171
    Playgrounds for exposure 171
    The affluent poor 173
    You pay, you pass 177
    Bottled prestige 180
    Refilling the bottles 185

    18 The King and his Followers 188
    Extravaganza 188
    The show 192
    Ritual in the making 196
    What a difference a day makes 198

    19 Conclusion – Dis/Connections 203

    Part IV
    Topia of Utopias

    20 Dreams vs Reality 211
    From the school of hard knocks 211
    Falling in love 213
    Topia of utopias 220
    A thick layer of dreams 225

    References 229

  • Tucker, Boima:
    Musical Violence Gangsta Rap and Politics in Sierra Leone.
    Current African Issues, No. 52.
    Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2013 62 p.
    ISBN 978-91-7106-734-0


    Foreword 4
    Introduction 5
    Rap Beef, Youth Violence and Social Order 16
    Youth Democratic Participation 27
    Global Belonging, Hopes and Dreams 36
    Global Music, Local Politics 44
    Conclusion 55
    Bibliography 57

  • Mortaigne, Veronique:
    Cesaria Evora. La voix du Cap-Vert.
    Arles: Actes Sud, 1997. 203 p.

    ISBN 2-7427-1152-X 



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  • Mortaigne, Veronique:
    Cesaria Evora. La voix du Cap-Vert.
    Arles: Actes Sud, 1997. 203 p.

    ISBN 2-7427-1152-X 



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  • Johnson, John William:
    ‘Heelloy’. Modern Poetry and Songs of the Somalis.
    London: HAAN Publishing, 1998. xxiii & 241 p.
    ISBN 978-1-874-20981-2


    Foreword to the first edition by B. W. Andrzejewski ix
    Foreword to the 1996 edition by Abdilahi Qarshi xi
    Preface to the first edition xv
    Preface to the 1996 edition xxiii

    1. Introduction
    The social context 1
    The Nature of Traditional Pastoralist Poetry 12
    The Historical Development of Modern Oral Poetry 17

    2. The Family of Miniature Genres
    The Nature of the Family of Miniature Genres 27
    The Poetry of the Miniature Family 32

    3. The emergence of the Belwo
    The Historical Background 49
    The Belwo is Born 53
    The Poetry of the Belwo 59

    4. The Heello: Period One
    The Metamorphosis: Belwo to Heello A 75
    The Modem Poem: Heello A to Heello B 82

    5. The Heello: Period Two
    The Historical Background 95
    The Poetry of the Second Period 103

    6. The Heello: Period Three
    The Historical Background 117
    The Poetry of the Third Period 146

    7. Characteristics of the Heello: All Periods
    Themes Common to All Periods 175
    Structural Characteristics and
    Development Common to All Periods 190
    The Impact of Media on Modern Poetry 208

    8. Conclusion
    The Inheritance of the Heello 215
    Forces Behind the Success and Development of Modern Poetry 216

  • Collins, [Edmund] John:
    Fela. Kalakuta Notes. 2nd edition
    Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2015.  xii & 326 p.
    ISBN 978-0-8195-7539-5 (paper) 978-0-8195-7540-1 (ebook)


    Foreword by Banning Eyre ix
    Introduction 1

    Part 1 Early Days
    1 The Birth of Afrobeat 27
    2 Joe Mensah Remembers 41
    3 Fela in Ghana 49
    4 Stan Plange Remembers 29

    Part 2 Confrontation
    5 Kalakuta is Born 67
    6 “JB” Talks about Fela 73
    7 The Kalakuta Republic 81
    8 The Black President 114
    9 Amsterdam and After 125

    Part 3 Retrospect
    10 Mac Tontoh on Fela 139
    11 Frank Talk about Fela 152
    12 Obiba Plays It Again 165
    13 Smart Binete Sorts It Out 174
    14 Anku Checks Out the Beat 178
    15 Nana Danso Orchestrates 183
    16 Some Early Afro-Fusion Pioneers 197
    17 Interview with Fela 204
    18 Afterthoughts and Updates 209
    19. Felabrations at Home and Abroad 238

    Chronology 259
    Notes 269
    Selected Bibliography 281
    Discography 285
    Appendix A: “Shuffering and Shmiling” Score 303
    Index 309

  • Erlmann, Veit (ed.):
    Populäre Musik in Afrika.

    Veröffentlichungen des Museum für Völkerkunde.
    Neue Folge 53. Abteilung Musikethnologie VIII.
    Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1991. 312 pp. & 2 CDs.
    ISBN 3-88609-213-5

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    TABLE DES MATIÈRESafropop1995

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    Click on picture “Edit” and set/insert:

    “Align” Left

    “Image CSS class” map-mobile

    Image Margins – “Bottom” (set value i.e. 500)

  • Sweeney, Philip:
    Directory of World Music. A Guide to Performers and their Music.
    With Contributions from Peter Gabriel, Andy Kershaw, Giberto Gil [&] Manu Dibango.
    London: Virgin Books, 1991. 262 p.
    Section Africa 1-81
    ISBN 0-86369-378-4



    The North and West
    Introduction: Peter Gabriel 1
    Libya 3
    Tunisia 5
    Algeria 6
    Morocco 13
    Mauritania 16
    Senegal 17
    Mali 20
    Guinea 26
    Guinea-Bissau 29
    Cape Verde 29
    Sierra Leone 31
    Côte d’Ivoire 32
    Ghana 34
    Togo and Benin 36
    Nigeria 37

    Central Africa, The South and East
    Introduction: Manu Dibango 42
    Cameroon 44
    Zaire 49
    Congo 56
    Gabon 56
    Angola 57
    Zambia 58
    Mozambique 59
    Zimbabwe 60
    South Africa 65
    Madagascar 70
    Mauritius and Reunion 71
    Tanzania and Zanzibar 72
    Kenya 74
    Uganda 76
    Burundi 76
    Ethiopia 77
    Sudan 79

  • Lee, Hélène:
    Rockers d’Afrique. Stars et légendes du rock mandinque.
    Paris: Albin Michel, 1988. 223 pp.
    ISBN 2-226-03 139-1 

    TABLE DE MATIÈRESafropop1995

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