> Moçambique | Livros | Artigos |
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Bender, Wolfgang:
Abschnitt Vom Verbot bis zur staatlichen Produktion von
Unterhaltungsmusik – Moçambique.
Sweet Mother. Afrikanische Musik. Zweite überarbeitete Auflage.
München: Edition Trickster im Peter Hammer Verlag, 2000: 256-263.
Guissemo, Manuel Armando:
Hip Hop Activism: Dynamic Tension between the Global and Local in Mozambique.
Journal of World Popular Music (Sheffield), Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018: 50-70.
Lutero, Martinho:
Notes about the Popular and Traditional Music in Mozambique.
in: Biernaczky, Szilárd (ed.):
Folklore in Africa today: Proceedings of the International Workshop /
Folklore en Afrique d’aujourd’hui: actes du colloque international, Budapest, 1-4.11.1982.
Budapest: Department of Folklore, Loránd Eötvös University, African Research Program, 1984: 337-350.
Nativel, Didier:
Les musiciens, médiateurs d’échanges culturels
entre Mozambique et Afrique du Sud.
Sur quelques effets culturels de migrations anciennes.
Afrique contemporaine (Paris), 2015/2 (n° 254): 57-72.
Paco, Celso & Tom Bullough:
Mozambique A Musica Continua.
in: Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham & Jon Lusk (eds.):
The Rough Guide to World Music. Volume 1: Africa and the Middle East.
London: The Rough Guides, 2006: 265-274.
Vail, Leroy & Landeg White:
Forms of Resistance: Songs and Perceptions of Power in Colonial Mozambique.
The American Historical Review (Washington D.C.), Vol. 88, Issue 4, 1983: 883–919.
in: Crummey, Donald (ed.):
Banditry, rebellion and social protest in Africa.
London: James Currey Publishers, 1986: 193–228.
Vail, Leroy & Landeg White:
Plantation Protest: The History of a Moçambican Song.
Journal of Southern African Studies (Abingdon), Vol. 5, No. 1, 1978: 1-25.
in: Barber, Karin (ed.): Readings in African Popular Culture.
London: The International Africa Institute in Association with James Currey, Oxford
and Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind., 1997: 54-83.
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