> Ethiopia | Books | Articles |
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Bender, Wolfgang:
Initial Research into the Life and Work of Tessema Eshete:
The First Etiopian Singer to Record Commercially.
in: Uhlig, Siegbert (ed.): Proceedings of the XVth International
Conference of Ethiopian Studies Hamburg, July 20-25, 2003.
Äthiopistische Forschungen, Band 65.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006: 403-408.
Cleret, M. & W. Holland:
Mulatu of Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s Most Famous Musician Left the
Imperial Plateau Only to Return with a Musical Revolution.
Waxpoetics – Hip-Hop, Funk and Soul (Los Angeles, Calif.). No. 14, Fall 2005: 85-94.
Falceto, Francis:
Ethiopian Groove – Welcome to the Land of Wax and Gold.
in: Kimberlin, Cynthia Tse (ed.):
Music of Many Cultures.
Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1980: 232-252.
Falceto, Francis:
Another Ethiopia.
A Look at Ethiopia’s Best Kept Secret, its Modern Music.
Folk Roots (London), No. 62, August 1988: 25 & 27.
Falceto, Francis:
Un siècle de musique moderne en Éthiopie (précédé d’une hypothèse baroque).
Cahiers d’études africaines (Paris), 2002/4 (nᵒ 168): 711-738.
Falceto, Francis:
Ethiopia Land of Wax and Gold.
in: Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham & Jon Lusk (eds.):
The Rough Guide to World Music. Volume 1: Africa and the Middle East.
London: The Rough Guides, 2006: 108-116.
Falceto, Francis:
Splendeurs et misères de la musique éthiopienne (1955-2005).
in: Prunier, Gérard (dir.):
L’Ethiopie contemporaine.
Paris: Karthala, 2007: 349-368.
Graham, Ronnie:
Chapter 30 Ethiopia.
Stern’s Guide to Contemporary African Music.
London: Zwan / Off the Record Press, 1988: 252-253.
Graham, Ronnie:
Chapter 30 Ethiopia.
The World of African Music. Stern’s Guide to Contemporary African Music. Volume 2.
Chicago, Ill.: Pluto Press: 1992: 166-169.
Kassaye, Woube:
An Overview of Recording and Distribution of Music in Ethiopia.
in: Fukui, Katsuyoshi; Eisei Kurimoto & Masayoshi Shigeta (eds.):
Ethiopia in Broader Perspective. Papers of the 13th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 3.
Kyoto: Shokado Book Sellers, 1997: 89-95.
Kaufman, Kay:
Ethiopian Musical Invention in Diaspora: A Tale of Three Musicians.
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies (Toronto, ON) Vol. 15, Nos. 2/3, Fall/Winter 2006: 303-320.
Kebede, Ashenafi:
Zemenawi muzika: Modern Trends in Traditional Secular Music of Ethiopia.
The Black Perspective in Music (Cambria Heights, N.Y.); Vol. 4, No. 3, Fall 1976: 289-301.
Kebede, Ashenafi:
Musical Innovation and Acculturation in Ethiopian Culture.
African Urban Studies (East Lansing, Mich.), New Series, No. 6, Winter 1979-1980: 77-88.
Kimberlin, Cynthia Tse:
Traditions and Transformations in Ethiopian Music: Event as a Catalyst for Change.
in: Zewde, Bahru; Richard Pankhurst & Teddese Beyene (eds.):
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 2.
Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, 1994: 643-652.
Kimberlin, Cynthia Tse:
Four Contemporary Ethiopian Composers and their Music:
Asnakech Worku, Nuria Ahmed Shami Kalid aka. Shamitu, Ezra Abate Iman, and Ashenafi Kebede.
in: Fukui, Katsuyoshi; EiseiKurimoto & Masayoshi Shigeta (eds.):
Ethiopia in Broader Perspective. Papers of the 13th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 3.
Kyoto: Shokado Book Sellers, 1997: 96-117
Kimberlin, Cynthia Tse:
‘Women, Music, and ‘Chains of the Mind’: Eritrea and the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, 1972–93.
in: Moisala, Pirkko & Beverley Diamond (eds.):
Music and Gender, Edited by:
Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2000: 239–265.
Kimberlin, Cynthia Tse:
Orchestra Ethiopia 1963-1975: Halim El-Dabh, Catalyst for Music Innovation and Preservation.
in: Omojola, Bode and George Dor (eds.):
Multiple Interpretations of Dynamics of Creativity and Knowledge in African Music Traditions.
A Festschrift in Honor of Akin Euba on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday.
Point Richmond, Calif.: Music Research Institute Press, 2005: 187-210.
Lulseged, Eyayu:
Social, Economic and Political Discontent in Ethiopia as Reflected in Contemporary Amharic Songs (mid 1950s-mid 1970s).
Journal of Ethiopian Studies (Addis Ababa), Vol. 27, No. 2, 1994: 21-43.
Mekonnen, Danny A.:
Ethio-Groove on the World Stage: Music, Mobility, Mediation.
Callaloo (College Station, Tex.), Vol. 33, No. 1, 2010: 299-313.
Qashu, Leila:
Staged Public Music Performances of the Oromo of Ethiopia.
in: Desroches, Monique; Marie-Hélène Pichette; Claude Dauphin & Gordon E. Smith (dir.):
Territoires musicaux mis en scène.
Montréal, QC: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2011: 75-92
Shelemay, Kay Kaufman:
Traveling Music: Mulatu Astatke and the Genesis of Ethiopian Jazz.
in: Bohlman, Philip V. & Goffredo Plastino (eds.):
Jazz Worlds/World Jazz.
Chicago, Ill. & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2016: 239-257.
Simeneh, Betreyohannes:
Scholarship on Ethiopian Music: Past, Present and Future Prospects.
African Study Monographs (Kyoto), Supplementary Issue 41, 2010: 19-34.
Teffera, Timkehet:
New Waves in Music Arrangements and Instrumental Preferences:
Synthesis between Tradition and ‘Modernism’ Observed in Ethiopian Music.
Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis – New Series (Münster), Vol. 5, 2017: 431-444.
Thomas, A.:
Ethio Jazzman: Aulatu Astatke.
Straight No Chaser (London), Vol. 2, No. 39, Spring 2006: 46-48.
Webster-Kogen, Ilana:
Engendering Homeland: Migration, Diaspora and Feminism in Ethiopian Music.
Journal of African Cultural Studies (Abingdon), Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2013: 183-196.
Zegeye, Abebe:
Mulatu Astatke, Ethio-Jazz Maestro.
Muziki (Pretoria), Journal of Music Research in Africa, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2007 129-151.
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