> Africa general (2 or more regions) | Books | Articles | Bibliographiess | Discographies |
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Ademuleya, Babasehinde Augustine & Michael Olusegun Fajuyigbe:
Pan-Africanism and the Black Festivals of Arts and Culture:
Today’s Realities and Expectations.
Journal of Humanities and Social Science IOSR-JHSS (Ghaziabad, UP),
Vol. 20, Issue 3, Ver. 1, 2015: 22-28.
Akombo, David O.:
Deconstructing African Poverty against the Backdrop of a Rich Musical Heritage: A Paradox.
in: Falola, Toyin & Jamaine Abidogun (eds.)
Education, Creativity, and Economic Empowerment in Africa.
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 221-231.
Akpabot, Samuel Ekpe:
Music in Urban African Revolution.
Paper Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Los Angeles, California, October 31 – November 3, 1979. 18 p.
Allen, Lara:
Music and Politics in Africa.
Social Dynamics (Cape Town), Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2004: 1-19.
Aranzadi, Isabela de:
Musical Objects and Identities in Transit within Groups in
Equatorial Guinea: Musical Connections with Sierra Leone
and Cuba following the Abolition of Slavery.
in: Boampong, Joanna (ed.):
In and Out of Africa: Exploring Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin-American Connections.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 190-215.
Aranzadi, Isabela de:
El legado cultural de Sierra Leona en Bioko.
Comparativa de dos espacios de criolización africana.
Éndoxa (Madrid), Series Filosóficas, n.ᵒ 37, 2016: 237-278.
Argyle, John:
Kalela, Beni, Asafo, Ingoma and the Rural‐Urban Dichotomy.
African Studies (Johannesburg), Vol. 50, 1991: 65-86.
Arlt, Veit & Ernst Lichtenhahn:
Recordings of African Popular Music:
A Valuable Source for Historians of Africa.
History in Africa (Cambridge), Vol. 31, 2004: 389-391.
Arnaud, Gérald:
Pour une exception musicale africaine.
Africultures (Paris), 2003/1 (n° 54): 79-92.
Arnaud, Gérald:
L’économie des musiques africaines : un terrible paradoxe.
Africultures (Paris), 2006/4 (n° 69): 57-71.
Aterianus-Owanga, Alice & Sophie Moulard:
Cherchez le politique… Polyphonies, agencéité et stratégies du rap en Afrique.
Politique africaine (Paris), 2016/1 (n° 141): 5-25.
Aterianus-Owanga, Alice:
Rap Studies in Africa.
Revue analytique de la littérature sur le rap en Afrique depuis les années 2000.
Volume ! (Paris), 2017/2 (n° 14:1): 7-22.
Baines, Gary:
Popular Music of Sub-Saharan Africa.
in: Hickey, Dennis V. (ed.):
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture: Volume 5: Sub-Saharan Africa.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007: 203-229.
Barrett, Lindsay:
Roots Music (Part 1). The Rhythm and Colour of African Traditions in Modern Music.
Africa Music (London), No. 1, Janauary-February 1981: 9-11 & 18.
Roots Music (Part 2). The Funky End of Roots Music.
Africa Music (London), No. 2, March-April 1981: 9-11.
Bender, Wolfgang:
Hunderte von Völkern, Hunderte von Kulturen.
Materialien zur populären Musik Schwarzafrikas.
in: Frederking, Klaus & Klaus Humann (Hrsg.):
Rock Session 7. Das Magazin der populären Musik.
Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983: 112-134.
Bender, Wolfgang:
Indépendence ChaCha. Independence Songs in Africa during the ‘60s.
in: Hennion, Antoine (dir.):
1789-1989. Musique, histoire, démocratie/Music, History, Democracy.
Colloque international organisé par “Vibrations” et IASPM (International Association for the Studies of Popular Music), Paris, 17-20 juilliet 1989. Recherche Musique et Danse, nᵒ 6.
Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1992: 167-180.
Bender, Wolfgang:
African Music Airwaves – From Colonial to Neocolonial Shores: Radio and Music in Africa.
in: Collier, Gordon & Frank Schulze-Engler (eds.):
Cross / Cultures, Vol. 59. Crabtracks. Progress and Process in Teaching the New Literatures in English: Essays in Honour of Dieter Riemenschneider.
Amsterdam & New York, N.Y.: Rodopi B.V. Editions, 2002: 181-198.
Bender, Wolfgang:
Modern African Music – An Autonomous Music.
in: Thorsén, Stig-Magnus (ed.):
Sound of Change. Social and Political Features of Music in Africa.
Stockholm: SIDA Studies No. 12, 2004: 87-106.
Bensignor, François:
Afrique contemporaine. La création musicale au miroir de l’histoire.
Hommes et Migrations (Paris), n° 1257, 2005: 125-133.
Bilby, Kenneth:
The Transatlantic “Return” of Afro-American Musics to Africa.
in: Aharonián, Coriún (ed.):
La música entre África y América.
Montevideo: Centro de Documentación Musical Lauro Ayestarán,
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, 2013: 311-355.
Brusila, Johannes:
Jungle Drums Striking the World Beat: Africa as an Image Factor in World Beat.
in: Palmberg Mai (ed.):
Encountering Images in the Meetings between Africa and Europe.
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2001: 146-161.
Charry, Eric:
Music and Postcolonial Africa.
in: Shanguhyia, Martin S. & Toyin Falola (eds.):
The Palgrave Handbook of Colonial and Postcolonial History.
New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018: 1231-1261.
Chernoff, John Miller:
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Sweet Mother. Modern African Music.
Chicago, Ill.: Chicaco University Press, 1991: ix-xvii.
Clerfeuille, Sylvie:
Musique : l’Afrique lusophone bercée par la saudade.
Notre Librairie (Paris), nᵒ 154, avril-juin 2004: 102-106.
Cloonan, Martin:
Popular Music Censorship in Africa: An Overview.
in: Drewett, Michael & Martin Cloonan (eds.):
Popular Music Censorship in Africa.
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006: 3-21.
Collins, [Edmund] John:
African Music Strengthens Cultural Autonomy.
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A Historical Review of Popular Entertainment in Sub-Saharan Africa.
in: Manuh, Takyiwaa & Esi Sutherland-Addy (eds.):
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Recordings in London of African and West Indian Music in the 1920s and 1930s.
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Dagri, Paul:
Musiques traditionnelles et modernes : des concepts et de la problématique du développement des musiques africaines à l’ère de la globalisation.
in: Kadima-Nzuji, Mukala & Alpha Noël Malonga (dir.):
Ininéraires et convergences des musiques traditionelles et modernes d’Afrique.
Paris: L’Harmattan / Brazzaville: FESPAM, 2004: 375-386.
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Dorsch, Hauke:
“Indépendance Cha Cha”: African Pop Music since the Independence Era.
Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), Vol. 45, Issue 3, 2010: 131-146.
Dorsch, Hauke:
Vom „Independance Cha Cha” zu „Quitte Le Pouvoir”.
Afrikanische Popmusik seit der Unabhängigkeitsära.
in: Bierschenk, Thomas & Eva Spies (Hrsg.):
50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika – Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven.
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Dorsch, Hauke:
Rumberos and Guerrilleros: Angélique Kidjo, Freddy Ilanga and African-Cuban Relations.
in: Röschenthaler, Ute & Alessandroo Jedlowski (eds.):
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America.
London: Zed Books, 2017: 277-297.
Durán, Lucy, Janet Topp Fargion & Marion Wallace:
Crossings: Word and Music across the Atlantic.
in: Casely-Hayford, Gus; Janet Topp Fargion & Marion Wallace (eds.):
West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song.
London: British Library, 2015: 72-99.
Emielu, Austin ‘Maro:
Towards a Global 21st Century African Popular Music: ASSATA Band as a Case Study.
Legon Journal of the Humanities (Legon), Vol. 19, 2008: 135-149.
Emielu, A[ustin ‘Maro]:
I am a Music Minister, not a Musician: Social Identity in Contemporary African Music.
Nigerian Music Review (Ile-Ife), No. 1, 2014: 110-126.
Englert, Birgit:
Popular Music and Politics in Africa – Some Introductory Reflections.
Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien (Wien), Nr. 14, 8. Jahrgang, 2008: 1-15.
Eriksson, Bengt:
Afrikansk safari 1968-1982.
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Everett, Richard:
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Fosu-Mensah, Kwabena:
Unanswered Questions.
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New Sounds from Africa: Soukous, Chimurenga, Mbanqanga and more.
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African Reinventions of the Guitar.
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Fargion, Janet Topp:
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Musique et pouvoir, pouvoirs des musiques dans les Afriques. Introduction thématique.
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Günter, Robert:
Gedanken zur Neuzeit in der Afrikanischen Musik.
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Soul to Soul: Hip Hop, Globalization, and Africa.
in: Sahle, Eunice N. (ed.):
Globalization and Socio-Cultural Processes in Contemporary Africa.
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Hendler, Maximilian:
Drei afrikanische Städte: Bamako – Kinshasa – Zanzibar.
in: Helms, Dietrich & Thomas Phelps (Hrsg.):
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Jackson, Rachel:
The Trans-Atlantic Journey of Gumbé: Where and why has It Survived?
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Kubik, Gerhard:
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Künzler, Daniel:
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Popular Media, Democracy and Development in Africa.
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Les musiques face au pouvoir.
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Mensah, Atta Annan:
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