> Africa general (2 or more regions) | Books | Articles | Bibliographiess | Discographies |

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Ademuleya, Babasehinde Augustine & Michael Olusegun Fajuyigbe:
Pan-Africanism and the Black Festivals of Arts and Culture:
Today’s Realities and Expectations.

Journal of Humanities and Social Science IOSR-JHSS (Ghaziabad, UP),
Vol. 20, Issue 3, Ver. 1, 2015: 22-28.

Akombo, David O.:
Deconstructing African Poverty against the Backdrop of a Rich Musical Heritage: A Paradox.
in: Falola, Toyin & Jamaine Abidogun (eds.)
Education, Creativity, and Economic Empowerment in Africa.
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 221-231.

Akpabot, Samuel Ekpe:
Music in Urban African Revolution.
Paper Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Los Angeles, California, October 31 – November 3, 1979. 18 p.

Allen, Lara:
Music and Politics in Africa.
Social Dynamics (Cape Town), Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2004: 1-19.

Aranzadi, Isabela de:
Musical Objects and Identities in Transit within Groups in
Equatorial Guinea:
Musical Connections with Sierra Leone
and Cuba following the Abolition of Slavery.

in: Boampong, Joanna (ed.):
In and Out of Africa: Exploring Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin-American Connections.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 190-215.

Aranzadi, Isabela de:
El legado cultural de Sierra Leona en Bioko.
Comparativa de dos espacios de criolización africana.
Éndoxa (Madrid), Series Filosóficas, n.ᵒ 37, 2016: 237-278.

Argyle, John:
Kalela, Beni, Asafo, Ingoma and the Rural‐Urban Dichotomy.
African Studies (Johannesburg), Vol. 50, 1991: 65-86.

Arlt, Veit & Ernst Lichtenhahn:
Recordings of African Popular Music:
A Valuable Source for Historians of Africa.

History in Africa (Cambridge), Vol. 31, 2004: 389-391.

Arnaud, Gérald:
Pour une exception musicale africaine.
Africultures (Paris), 2003/1 (n° 54): 79-92.

Arnaud, Gérald:
L’économie des musiques africaines : un terrible paradoxe.
Africultures (Paris), 2006/4 (n° 69): 57-71.

Aterianus-Owanga, Alice & Sophie Moulard:
Cherchez le politique… Polyphonies, agencéité et stratégies du rap en Afrique.
Politique africaine (Paris), 2016/1 (n° 141): 5-25.

Aterianus-Owanga, Alice:
Rap Studies in Africa.
Revue analytique de la littérature sur le rap en Afrique depuis les années 2000‪.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Volume ! (Paris), 2017/2 (n° 14:1): 7-22.

Baines, Gary:
Popular Music of Sub-Saharan Africa.
in: Hickey, Dennis V. (ed.):
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture: Volume 5: Sub-Saharan Africa.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007: 203-229.

Barrett, Lindsay:
Roots Music (Part 1). The Rhythm and Colour of African Traditions in Modern Music.
Africa Music (London), No. 1, Janauary-February 1981: 9-11 & 18.
Roots Music (Part 2). The Funky End of Roots Music.
Africa Music (London), No. 2, March-April 1981: 9-11.

Bender, Wolfgang:
Hunderte von Völkern, Hunderte von Kulturen.
Materialien zur populären Musik Schwarzafrikas.
in: Frederking, Klaus & Klaus Humann (Hrsg.):
Rock Session 7. Das Magazin der populären Musik.
Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983: 112-134.

Bender, Wolfgang:
Indépendence ChaCha. Independence Songs in Africa during the ‘60s.
in: Hennion, Antoine (dir.):
1789-1989. Musique, histoire, démocratie/Music, History, Democracy.
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Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1992: 167-180.

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African Music Airwaves – From Colonial to Neocolonial Shores: Radio and Music in Africa.
in: Collier, Gordon & Frank Schulze-Engler (eds.):
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Amsterdam & New York, N.Y.: Rodopi B.V. Editions, 2002: 181-198.

Bender, Wolfgang:
Modern African Music – An Autonomous Music.
in: Thorsén, Stig-Magnus (ed.):
Sound of Change. Social and Political Features of Music in Africa.
Stockholm: SIDA Studies No. 12, 2004: 87-106.

Bensignor, François:
Afrique contemporaine. La création musicale au miroir de l’histoire.
Hommes et Migrations (Paris), n° 1257, 2005: 125-133.

Bilby, Kenneth:
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Brusila, Johannes:
Jungle Drums Striking the World Beat: Africa as an Image Factor in World Beat.
in: Palmberg Mai (ed.):
Encountering Images in the Meetings between Africa and Europe.
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2001: 146-161.

Charry, Eric:
Music and Postcolonial Africa.
in: Shanguhyia, Martin S.  & Toyin Falola (eds.):
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Chernoff, John Miller:
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Sweet Mother. Modern African Music.
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Clerfeuille, Sylvie:
Musique : l’Afrique lusophone bercée par la saudade.
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Dorsch, Hauke:
“Indépendance Cha Cha”: African Pop Music since the Independence Era.
Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), Vol. 45, Issue 3, 2010: 131-146.

Dorsch, Hauke:
Vom „Independance Cha Cha” zu „Quitte Le Pouvoir”.
Afrikanische Popmusik seit der Unabhängigkeitsära.

in: Bierschenk, Thomas & Eva Spies (Hrsg.):
50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika – Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven.
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Dorsch, Hauke:
Rumberos and Guerrilleros: Angélique Kidjo, Freddy Ilanga and African-Cuban Relations.
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Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America.
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Durán, Lucy, Janet Topp Fargion & Marion Wallace:
Crossings: Word and Music across the Atlantic.
in: Casely-Hayford, Gus; Janet Topp Fargion & Marion Wallace (eds.):
West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song.
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Emielu, Austin ‘Maro:
Towards a Global 21st Century African Popular Music: ASSATA Band as a Case Study.
Legon Journal of the Humanities (Legon), Vol. 19, 2008: 135-149.

Emielu, A[ustin ‘Maro]:
I am a Music Minister, not a Musician: Social Identity in Contemporary African Music.
Nigerian Music Review (Ile-Ife), No. 1, 2014: 110-126.

Englert, Birgit:
Popular Music and Politics in Africa – Some Introductory Reflections.
Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien (Wien), Nr. 14, 8. Jahrgang, 2008: 1-15.

Eriksson, Bengt:
Afrikansk safari 1968-1982.
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Unanswered Questions.
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New Sounds from Africa: Soukous, Chimurenga, Mbanqanga and more.
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Fargion, Janet Topp:
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Gaulier, Armelle & Daouda Gary-Tounkara :
Musique et pouvoir, pouvoirs des musiques dans les Afriques. Introduction thématique.
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Günter, Robert:
Gedanken zur Neuzeit in der Afrikanischen Musik.
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in: Sahle, Eunice N. (ed.):
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Drei afrikanische Städte: Bamako – Kinshasa – Zanzibar.
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Jackson, Rachel:
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Kohlhagen, Dominik:
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Kubik, Gerhard:
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Künzler, Daniel:
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Intellectual Property Rights and Unfair Exploitation of
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Stockholm: SIDA Studies No. 12, 2004: 120-134.

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Manuel, Peter:
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  • Mortaigne, Veronique:
    Cesaria Evora. La voix du Cap-Vert.
    Arles: Actes Sud, 1997. 203 p.

    ISBN 2-7427-1152-X 



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     Copy “Shortcode” including square brackets e.g. Índice and inset and replace it for “Sumário” in the book list file.

  • Mortaigne, Veronique:
    Cesaria Evora. La voix du Cap-Vert.
    Arles: Actes Sud, 1997. 203 p.

    ISBN 2-7427-1152-X 



    Replace “English template – click Clone & Edit” (the popup name) with the common name for the Word contents file and the jpg file  (e.g. “mortaigne1997”)

    Insert name of author, title and place of publication in the text box.
    Text colour red. Title in bold. ISBN number in black and 10 px.

    Right side column:
    Button Text: Contents
    Button Title: Click here

    Class to Execute Popup: Insert “Shortcode” popuppress id number

    Click on picture – and then click on “Remove”
    Place curser in front of “CONTENTS”

    Click on “Add Media” and select jpg file. Insert.
    Align: Left
    Image CSS class: map-mobile
    Image Margins: Set “Bottom” value i.e. 500
    Insert text from content file. Edit text and save. 

    Adjust  Bottom value if necessary and Publish pup-up
    Copy “Shortcode” including square brackets e.g. Índice and inset and replace it for “Contents” in the page with book list file.

  • Johnson, John William:
    ‘Heelloy’. Modern Poetry and Songs of the Somalis.
    London: HAAN Publishing, 1998. xxiii & 241 p.
    ISBN 978-1-874-20981-2


    Foreword to the first edition by B. W. Andrzejewski ix
    Foreword to the 1996 edition by Abdilahi Qarshi xi
    Preface to the first edition xv
    Preface to the 1996 edition xxiii

    1. Introduction
    The social context 1
    The Nature of Traditional Pastoralist Poetry 12
    The Historical Development of Modern Oral Poetry 17

    2. The Family of Miniature Genres
    The Nature of the Family of Miniature Genres 27
    The Poetry of the Miniature Family 32

    3. The emergence of the Belwo
    The Historical Background 49
    The Belwo is Born 53
    The Poetry of the Belwo 59

    4. The Heello: Period One
    The Metamorphosis: Belwo to Heello A 75
    The Modem Poem: Heello A to Heello B 82

    5. The Heello: Period Two
    The Historical Background 95
    The Poetry of the Second Period 103

    6. The Heello: Period Three
    The Historical Background 117
    The Poetry of the Third Period 146

    7. Characteristics of the Heello: All Periods
    Themes Common to All Periods 175
    Structural Characteristics and
    Development Common to All Periods 190
    The Impact of Media on Modern Poetry 208

    8. Conclusion
    The Inheritance of the Heello 215
    Forces Behind the Success and Development of Modern Poetry 216

  • Collins, [Edmund] John:
    Fela. Kalakuta Notes. 2nd edition
    Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2015.  xii & 326 p.
    ISBN 978-0-8195-7539-5 (paper) 978-0-8195-7540-1 (ebook)


    Foreword by Banning Eyre ix
    Introduction 1

    Part 1 Early Days
    1 The Birth of Afrobeat 27
    2 Joe Mensah Remembers 41
    3 Fela in Ghana 49
    4 Stan Plange Remembers 29

    Part 2 Confrontation
    5 Kalakuta is Born 67
    6 “JB” Talks about Fela 73
    7 The Kalakuta Republic 81
    8 The Black President 114
    9 Amsterdam and After 125

    Part 3 Retrospect
    10 Mac Tontoh on Fela 139
    11 Frank Talk about Fela 152
    12 Obiba Plays It Again 165
    13 Smart Binete Sorts It Out 174
    14 Anku Checks Out the Beat 178
    15 Nana Danso Orchestrates 183
    16 Some Early Afro-Fusion Pioneers 197
    17 Interview with Fela 204
    18 Afterthoughts and Updates 209
    19. Felabrations at Home and Abroad 238

    Chronology 259
    Notes 269
    Selected Bibliography 281
    Discography 285
    Appendix A: “Shuffering and Shmiling” Score 303
    Index 309

  • Erlmann, Veit (ed.):
    Populäre Musik in Afrika.

    Veröffentlichungen des Museum für Völkerkunde.
    Neue Folge 53. Abteilung Musikethnologie VIII.
    Berlin: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1991. 312 pp. & 2 CDs.
    ISBN 3-88609-213-5

    bender1985INHALT (Button Type)

    Klick hier (Button Title)

    Class to Execute Popup (shortcode id number)


    Align “Left”


    Image Margins – Bottom

  • Insert title etc. here
    ISBN number

    TABLE DES MATIÈRESafropop1995

    Table des matières (Button Text)

    Cliquez ici (Button Title)

    Class to Execute Popup (insert Shortcode popuppress id number)


    Click on picture “Edit” and set/insert:

    “Align” Left

    “Image CSS class” map-mobile

    Image Margins – “Bottom” (set value i.e. 500)

  • Sweeney, Philip:
    Directory of World Music. A Guide to Performers and their Music.
    With Contributions from Peter Gabriel, Andy Kershaw, Giberto Gil [&] Manu Dibango.
    London: Virgin Books, 1991. 262 p.
    Section Africa 1-81
    ISBN 0-86369-378-4



    The North and West
    Introduction: Peter Gabriel 1
    Libya 3
    Tunisia 5
    Algeria 6
    Morocco 13
    Mauritania 16
    Senegal 17
    Mali 20
    Guinea 26
    Guinea-Bissau 29
    Cape Verde 29
    Sierra Leone 31
    Côte d’Ivoire 32
    Ghana 34
    Togo and Benin 36
    Nigeria 37

    Central Africa, The South and East
    Introduction: Manu Dibango 42
    Cameroon 44
    Zaire 49
    Congo 56
    Gabon 56
    Angola 57
    Zambia 58
    Mozambique 59
    Zimbabwe 60
    South Africa 65
    Madagascar 70
    Mauritius and Reunion 71
    Tanzania and Zanzibar 72
    Kenya 74
    Uganda 76
    Burundi 76
    Ethiopia 77
    Sudan 79

  • Lee, Hélène:
    Rockers d’Afrique. Stars et légendes du rock mandinque.
    Paris: Albin Michel, 1988. 223 pp.
    ISBN 2-226-03 139-1 

    TABLE DE MATIÈRESafropop1995

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